In last decades the use of economic analysis in competition policy cases and regulation has increased - termed the more economic approach. The course “Regulation and Antitrust” analyses and discusses the economics behind competition policy cases and regulation. We discuss various topics including cartels, mergers, abuse of market power, and consumer protection. We also highlight implications of current developments - like the use of pricing algorithms.
The course is related to "KS Managerial Economics 2" , held by Dieter Pennerstorfer during the winter term. Both courses complement each other with only minor overlaps. If you plan to attend both courses, doing "Competition Economics" first is probably more intuitive, but not mandatory.
The course (4 ECTS/2 hours) will be held weekly over the entire (summer) semester. Information on the schedule (including the dates of the exams) as well as course material will be provided online at KUSSS.