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The 2024 EC2U Forum: Voice of the Students

You won't want to miss this inspiring session featuring student teams from all of the EC²U partner universities presenting their innovative solutions to key global issues. Topics include creating strong universities, integrating refugees, fostering peace, supporting students at risk, and navigating the digital world. Witness the power of student perspectives!

[Translate to Englisch:] Voice-of-Students

The 2024 EC²U Forum: Student Voices

Join us for the "Student Voices" session where student teams from all of the EC²U partner universities present the innovative solutions to pressing global issues they discussed throughout the week. Following several intensive work sessions, the students will showcase their findings on the following sub-topics:

  1. Creating Strong Universities: Strategies to enhance university quality, infrastructure, and partnerships to prepare for future challenges.
  2. Integrating Refugees and Internationals Successfully: Best practices to promote inclusive environments for refugees and international students.
  3. How Do You Create a Narrative of Peace in a Polarized World?: Techniques to foster dialogue and understanding among diverse perspectives.
  4. Students at Risk: Ensuring that students affected by global conflicts can continue their education.
  5. Challenges and Opportunities for Universities in a Growing Digital World: Exploring the impact of new technologies on higher education.

This session is a unique opportunity to listen to perspectives by students coming from diverse backgrounds and foster significant discussions about topics that impact the future of higher education.

Join Us and Empower Your Mind

We welcome students, researchers, faculty members, and anyone else interested in the future of higher education and student perspectives on key issues to attend.

See you at the Student Voices session!