The EC2U Alliance Warmly Welcomes Umeå University
Umeå University (Sweden) officially joins the EC2U Alliance in 2025, broadening its outreach and impact.

JKU Students and Employees at the EC2U’s Entrepreneurship Week in Coimbra
Organized by the EC2U’s “Innovation Hub”, Entrepreneur Week in October focused mainly on innovation in healthcare.

Empowering Minds for a Peaceful Society: The 2024 EC²U Forum
The JKU welcomed eight partner universities to campus.

VR Raul Sánchez-Prieto, University of Salamanca, Pays a Visit to the JKU
As head of an EC²U Work Package, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs recently visited the city of Linz.

JKU Students Participated in EC²U Summer School in Coimbra
Michal Lewandowski and Christoph Mangiavillano represented the JKU at the "Better Environment for Healthy Cities" summer school program in Portugal.

EC²U Think-Tank: “Social Innovation to Support a Peaceful Society”
In June, experts from various backgrounds came together at the Kepler Salon to discuss issues relating to fostering a peaceful society.

The JKU Celebrates Innovation during the EC²U Makeathon
The EC²U Makeathon in May showcased our students' and faculty members’ creativity and commitment.

Ushering in a New Synergetic Era in European Education: The JKU Concludes its EC²U Integration Tour
Site visits to six partner universities reinforce shared accomplishments and pave the way toward future growth.

EC2U: The Fast Track to Integration - Visiting IASI
As part of the EC2U Alliance, a JKU delegation visited Romania.