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12,777 Prospective Students Took the Admissions Examination to Study Medicine

Out of the original 17,823 who signed up to take the test, a total of 12,777 prospective students took part in the MedAT joint admissions procedure.

Med Entrance Exam 2021; Photo credit: JKU
Eindrücke vom Medizin-Aufnahmetest 2021

On July 21, 2021, close to 13,000 prospective students took part in the joint MedAT admission examination to study medicine att universities in Vienna, Innsbruck, Graz, and at the Johannes Kepler University’s Faculty of Medicine.

Like last year, the entrance examinations were held at several locations throughout Austria. Examinations for the MedUni Vienna were held at the Messe Wien and Messezentrum Salzburg, the examination in Graz took place at the Messe Graz and in Upper Austria, the examination took place at the Messe Wels. Exams for the medical school in Innsbruck were held at several designate locations throughout the city.


Facts & Figures:

- A total of 6,278 prospective students took the entrance test at the MedUni in Vienna; 4,697 in Vienna and 1,581 in Salzburg. 8,713 prospective students originally signed up for the exam.

- Today (Wednesday), a total of 2,748 people took the exam to get into the Medical University of Innsbruck. A total of 3,951 prospective students had originally signed up to take the exam.

- The Med Uni Graz originally had 2,936 people signed up to take the exam; a total of 2,242 took the exam today, Wednesday.

- In Upper Austria (the Faculty of Medicine at the JKU Linz), 1,509 prospective students took the examination; 2,223 had signed up.

The MedAT-H and MedAT-Z Admission Examinations
The admissions examination to study medicine (MedAT-H) consists of several sections, including a written section, and is divided as follows:

  • Base-Knowledge Test to Study Medicine: Test of subject matter learned at school, including biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics.
  • Text Comprehension: Reading skills and understanding texts.
  • Cognitive Abilities and Skills: This section consists of five groups of tasks (assembling figures, number sequences, word fluency, memory and retention, and recognizing consequences) and also measures basic cognitive skills and abilities.
  • Social-Emotional Skills: Prospective students are ask to recognize emotions and social decision-making task groups that capture key aspects when it comes to social-emotional skills.

The entrance examination for dentistry (MedAT-Z) is fairly similar to the MedAT-H examination. Instead of text comprehension and recognizing consequences sections, students must prove their manual skills through wire bending tasks and mirror-shaping tasks.

 A Total of 1,740 Spots Divided Among Various Programs
A total of 1,740 spots are available in the medical degree and dentistry programs for the 2021/2022 academic year and are divided as follows: 740 at the Medical University of Vienna, 400 at the Medical University of Innsbruck, 360 at the Medical University of Graz, and 240 at the Faculty of Medicine at the JKU Linz. A minimum of 95% of spots in the program are reserved for EU nationals and those who have the same status; a minimum of 75% of spots in the program are reserved for applicants who hold Austrian university entrance qualifications. This quota regulation, however, only applies to spots in the medical degree programs.


Download photos free here:
In Vienna: https://www.apa-fotoservice.at/galerie/25806, opens an external URL in a new window

In Innsbruck:https://www.i-med.ac.at/pr/presse/2021/fotos-aufnahmeverfahren-innsbruck-2021.html, opens an external URL in a new window

In Graz: https://www.medunigraz.at/bilderpool, opens an external URL in a new window

In Wels: https://roeblfoto.pixieset.com, opens an external URL in a new windowAndreas Röbl Photos; pixieset.com; Download code: 3830; Photo credit: JKU).

Download videos (in Vienna) here: https://www.ots.at/redirect/meduniwienvideojuli21, opens an external URL in a new window