Growing enrollment at the JKU continues.

Continuing the rise in enrollment from last year, this year, enrollment numbers for the 2024/2025 Winter Semester have increased approximately 10% across all majors.
Increased Enrollment
For many years now, Austria's only academic degree program in Artificial Intelligence has been very popular and continues to experience higher numbers of enrollment, along with programs in Computer Sciences and Business Informatics. Degree programs across all of the faculty are also experiencing above-average growth in enrollment, including Chemistry, Electronics & Information Technology, and Medical Engineering, for example. The most popular majors continue to be business (Business Administration, Economics, International Business Administration), the Master's degree program in Psychology, and the Bachelor's degree program in Business Law.
JKU Rector Stefan Koch is pleased and remarked, “We have been able to successfully attract a large number of young people in all subject areas to enroll at the JKU. We do not take this for granted – in an effort prepare students to meet current real-world demands in the job market, we constantly review and critically analyze our academic degree programs and modify the course content and curricula.”
JKU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Andreas Janko, believes the JKU’s approach continues to result in a positive direction: “Our faculty members and administration are both dedicated and committed to being a university that can offer innovative degree programs, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and outstanding support services. The enrollment figures prove we're on the right track.”
Click here to learn more about the JKU’s academic degree programs and post-graduate programs.