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Inaugural lectures: Introducing New Professors at the JKU

The JKU's traditional inaugural lectures by new professors at the Faculty of Law took place in March.

F.l.: Janko, Barbara Kammler, Martina Schickmair, Martina Kofler-Schlögl, Bergthaler, Freischlager; photo credit: JKU
F.l.: Janko, Barbara Kammler, Martina Schickmair, Martina Kofler-Schlögl, Bergthaler, Freischlager; photo credit: JKU

MMartina Kofler-Schlögl, Martina Schickmair, and Barbara Kammler provided insight into their respective areas of research. Univ. Prof. Dr. Martina Kofler-Schlögl (Institute of Constitutional Law and Political Science) opened the afternoon with her inaugural lecture titled “Wie viel Paternalismus vertragen Grundrechte?”. Univ. Prof. Dr. Martina Schickmair (Institute of Civil Law) followed with her inaugural lecture titled “Persönlichkeitsschutz im Zivilrecht: Vom Verbot der Sklaverei bis zur Bekämpfung von Hass im Netz”. Last, but not least, Univ. Prof. Dr. Barbara Kammler (Institute for Labor Law and Social Law) held her inaugural lecture titled “Das Arbeitsrecht - Paradebeispiel schutzrechtlicher Regelungen: Von der allgemeinen Fürsorgepflicht bis zum Verbot der Zwangsarbeit”.