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Austrian Science Fund COMET Project Explores the Technical and Legal Challenges of Re-Purposing E-Car Batteries

As part of an Austrian Research Promotion Agency Comet project, the JKU’s LIT Law Lab is conducting research with corporate partners that include Porsche, Audi, Mercedes, and others.

Battery: photo credit: Shutterstock
Battery: photo credit: Shutterstock

As the number of electric vehicles continues to steadily increase, so do questions as to what can - and should be - done with their old batteries. Being able to recycling and repurpose old e-car batteries would be both environmentally-friendly and economical, contributing to an efficient recycling economy in Europe.

When it comes to recycling these types of batteries, there are not only technical issues involved; there are also considerable legal challenges ranging from environmental and liability law to energy law and data privacy law, particularly as responsible recycling means knowing the battery’s precise history of use.

Under the management of Univ. Prof. Michael Mayrhofer, he and his team at the LIT Law Lab aim to conduct research and explore the legal parameters needed in order to implement ideal solutions.