Is plastic friend or foe? When produced and used sustainably, at the very least, plastic has the potential to be our friend.

Plastic clearly has no place being in the ocean or in our food, however, without plastic, it would be impossible to imagine everyday life, or modern medicine. One solution would be to include sustainable plastics as part of a circular economy and this is exactly a key area of research the JKU! The LIT Factory is not only conducting research into alternative production methods and a circular plastics economy, they have also created projects aimed at raising awareness.
Two of the projects have now drawn to a close.
1. Together with Partnering Companies, the Digital Program to Collect Bottle Caps at Schools
In an effort to raise public awareness about how to reuse plastic sustainably, the LIT Factory encouraged 103 classes at 19 schools throughout Upper Austria to collect bottle caps off of PET beverage bottles. They collected a total of 251 kgs! The bottle caps, made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with a recycling code "2", were then turned into frisbees at the LIT Factory. School students were also eligible to win attractive prizes provided by project partners.
Click here to learn more.
2. The JKU’s New Frisbee Project
Before that, students and employees collected a total of 1,000 kgs of PET bottle caps which were then repurposed into 6,000 frisbees.
Click here to learn more.