Over 23,000 students are enrolled at the JKU and the goal is to provide our students with the best possible education. In support of education, the Kepler Awards have been introduced.
![[Translate to Englisch:] 1. Kepler Awards Verleihung](/fileadmin/marketing/Presse_Savoy/News/2021/Juni/Kepler_Awards_2021/JKU-Kepler-Award-1.jpg)
The JKU has set an objective to create new standards in education and become better and more highly visible. In support of this goal, the Kepler Awards have been introduced to recognize innovative teaching. The award aims to not only enable and support new concepts, particularly in digital teaching, but also drive excellence in education. This initiative is considered a useful addition to existing quality criteria, such as those for the Ars Docendi (state award for excellence in education at Austria's public universities and colleges).
Vice-Rector Stefan Koch presented the awards in the JKU’s Ceremony Room in adherence to strict Coronavirus safety mandates and protocols.
The 2021 award winners are:
Mag. Dr. Christine Blanka
Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Thomas Werani
Dr. Lisa Niehoff-Höckner, BSc MSc
Assoz. Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Regina Gattringer
Assist. Prof. Dr. Almina Bešić
Dr. Erwin Rebhandl
Smirna Malkoc, BSc Msc
Assist. Prof. Dr. Stefan Schumann
Mag. Dr. Melanie Lubinger
DI Dominik Kreil, BSc
Univ. Prof. Dr.med.habil Tobias Gotterbarm
Mag. Klaus Bachler
We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winners! Over the coming weeks, we will introduce the award recipients and present their winning educational concepts in more detail.