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Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Gruber MBA (Dean of Research), PD DDr. Sabine Altrichter, VR Dr. Mag. Elgin Drda (Dean at the Faculty of Medicine), Univ. Prof. DDr. Hötzenecker MBA (Dean of Research and head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology); photo credit: JKU

“(Um)habilitations” at the JKU Faculty of Medicine

Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented physician PD DDr. Sabine Altrichter with her certificate.

Eleni Priglinger; Credit: JKU

Educating the Physicians of Tomorrow

Mag. Dr. Eleni Priglinger is head of a working group at the Experimental Orthopedics and Traumatology at the JKU.

Med school graduation 2025; photo credit: JKU

51 JKU Graduates Celebrate Earning Their Medical Degrees

51 medical school graduates celebrated the end of their studies at an academic ceremony.

JKU Medizinstudierende beim Praktizieren

Study Medicine: Prospective Applicants can Register to Enroll beginning March 3

The admissions procedure for the medical degree program opens March 3, 2025, at: www.medizinstudieren.at.

FemMED meeting; photo credit: JKU

FemMED Celebrates Women in Science and Academia

International Day of Women and Girls in Science was an opportunity to organize a FemMED get-together.

F.l.: Stephan Haudum, Oliver Brüggemann, Eleni Priglinger, Tobias Gotterbarm and Christine Haiden; photo credit: JKU

Watch the 13th JKU medTALK

The 13th installment in the JKU’s medTALK series focused on “Innovative Bone Strength: Interdepartmental Project Pioneers New Standards”.

MED Campus; Credit: JKU/Martin Steinkellner

3rd Impact MED Call: Ten Research Proposals Receive Funding

The Faculty of Medicine's MED Impact Call provides innovative research proposals with up to € 50,000 in funding over a two-year period.

F.l.: OA Dr. Mario Scala (Institute of Central Radiology, Kepler University Hospital), Dipl. Ing. Roland Haring (managing director, Ars Electronica Futurelab), Dipl. Ing. (FH) Michaela Hofer (JKU Media Technology), Assist. Dr. Julian Niedermair (Institute of Central Radiology, Kepler University Hospital), photo credit: Patrick Müller

JKU medSPACE Project Presented with the 2025 Inavation Award

As part of the “2 Universities - 1 Virtual 3D Lecture Hall” project, the JKU medSPACE project received the 2025 Inavation Award in the category…

F.l.: Florian Krammer (MedUni Vienna), Doris Wilflingseder (Vet Meduni), Otto Doblhoff-Dier (Vice-Rector Vetmeduni), Markus Müller (Rector MedUni Vienna), Austrian Minister Martin Polaschek, Andrea Kurz (Rector MedUni Graz), Stefan Koch (Rector JKU Linz), Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Rector MedUni Innsbruck); photo credit: MedUni Vienna/APA/Schedl

The Ignaz Semmelweis Institute Sets its Focus on Infectious Diseases

The new Ignaz Semmelweis Institute opened its doors at the start of 2025.