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Faculty of Medicine
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University Medicine for Everyone in Upper Austria.

At the crossroads of health and science, the Linz MED Campus is a central hub designed to not only support high quality medical care in Upper Austria, but to also educate and train tomorrow’s physicians by applying the most recent findings in medical research. Simply put - University Medicine.

Be it in the areas of engineering, art, culture, or medicine, Upper Austria and its state capital of Linz have always been a prime location in support of long-term innovation. Trendsetting landmarks, such as the Ars Electronica Center, the Linz Cloud of Sound, the Opera House, the Lentos and Nordico museums, and the voestalpine Stahlwelt just to name a few, have become just as much an integral part of Linz's identity as the Pöstlingberg church and its grotto railway, the Linz Torte, and the Mariendom cathedral.

That which was once considered new and unknown yesterday is emerging as a proud legacy today. As a comparatively young institution, the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine aims to continuing growing and driving innovation forward by supporting cutting-edge medical research that includes new treatments and interventions, along with breakthroughs such as aortic arch replacement, aneurysm clippings, and teaching anatomy virtually at the JKU medSPACE. This – and more - is available in Linz and Upper Austria – a city and a region that is becoming synonymous with progress and advancement.

Current Research Interests in University Medicine in Linz

Aortic arch replacement, allergies, pulmonary disorders, vascular neurosurgery, fetomaternal medicine, a focus on rare diseases, and much more. Click here to learn more about the research our physicians and their teams are conducting.

femMED 2024; Credit: JKU

Looking back from the future at the FemMED Fall Meeting

At the FemMED Fall Meeting on September 10th, female scientists in a small but intensive group took some time out to reflect on their future and what…

mikrophone des festsaals

Presentations for Tenure-Track Positions “Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine”

The publicly accessible presentations will take place at the MED Campus on September 27.

F.l.: Barbara Tiefenthaler, VR Drda, Minister Polaschek, VR Janko; photo credit: JKU

Austrian Minister of Education Visits the JKU Faculty of Medicine

Martin Polaschek, Minister of Education, Science & Research, visited the JKU Faculty of Medicine.

mikrophone des festsaals

Presentations for Tenure-track Positions: “Pathomechanisms and Innovative Treamtment Options in Cardiac Surgery”

The publicly accessible job talks will take place at the JKU MED Campus on September 18.

F.l.: Ralph Schallmeiner, Erwin Rebhandl, Erika Zelko, Ulrike Schwarz, Stefan Koch, Minister Johannes Rauch, Elgin Drda, Franz Fellner, Andreas Gruber, Wolfram Hötzenecker, Matthias Bolz; photo credit: JKU

Austrian Health Minister Visits the JKU Faculty of Medicine

Austrian Minister Johannes Rauch visited the JKU Faculty of Medicine at the end of August.

Peter Oppelt; Credit: JKU

Delivering Babies: Artificial Intelligence Detects Issues Before They Occur

JKU researchers are developing an innovative method to interpret cardiac activity.

University Medicine - A Special Mission

Ensuring state-of-the-art surgical and examination techniques, applying and continually developing treatments and therapies at the cutting edge of medical science: In addition to primary and standard patient care at all of the hospitals in Upper Austria, over 50 medical departments and a wide range of competence centers at the Kepler University Hospital provide the highest possible level of care.

Researchers are in direct contact with patients on a daily basis and their expertise is passed on from everyday clinical practice to research. As a result, they can develop new treatments and therapies on an ongoing basis which, in turn, benefits patients. University medicine is the main difference between a teaching hospital and a conventional hospital. Numerous therapies and interventions, such as aortic arch replacement and vascular neurosurgery, are performed exclusively at teaching hospitals.


Medizin Studierende der JKU beim Praktizieren.

Interested in learning more about our clinical research projects? 

Learn more about our impressive research in the Johannes Kepler University Linz' research documentation (Fodok) system.

Working in University Medicine

The JKU's Faculty of Medicine supports academic and scientific work by not only introducing innovative research funding programs and supporting financed research sabbaticals, but also by enabling physicians interested in pursuing an academic career to conduct cutting-edge research.

Along with their teams, professors conduct integrated, cross-disciplinary research to ensure that everyday clinical practices include applying the most recent medical findings and approaches directly to patients.
Given the complex cases and clinical situations physicians face every day at a teaching hospital, they require broad and deep scientific expertise. Learn more about research, education, science, and the origins of the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine.


Medizin Studierende der JKU im Unterricht

General Practitioner and University Professor

One particular focus of studying medicine in Linz is general medicine. Some 50 physicians have their own private practice in Upper Austria and some are also actively involved in education at the JKU's Faculty of Medicine.

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„Since the inception of the JKU’s Faculty of Medicine, our center of focus has been our patients’ welfare and well-being. Our professors are not only committed to caring for patients in accordance with recent scientific methods, they are also committed to conducting cutting-edge research and educating the next generation of physicians. We aim to provide a medical education program in Upper Austria that is dedicated to people and their health. Our image campaign illustrates just what university medicine can do for patients and for the region as a whole.“
Dr. Elgin Drda, Vice-Rector for Medicine, and Dean of the JKU's Faculty of Medicine
[Translate to Englisch:] Vizerektorin für Medizin an der JKU - Elgin Drda

Studying Medicine in Linz

A new generation of physicians is being educated in Linz as part of Austria's first Bachelor's-Master's system in medicine. The modules are organ-centered and topic-centered, placing you directly at the crossroads of hands-on practice and clinical research. Your advantages:

  • You will call Austria's second-largest university hospital home. You will be working at the Kepler University Hospital (KUK), opens an external URL in a new window in Linz, consisting of Med Campus III, Med Campus IV, and the Neuromed Campus
  • The Johnannes Kepler University Linz consists of 4 faculties, meaning that if you want, your medical studies in Linz can be interdisciplinary! Complement your medical degree with fascinating disciplines offered at, for example, the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT), the JKU Faculty of Law, or the JKU Business School that include medical technology, health economics, medical ethics or medical law. 
  • Textbooks are all well and good, but the state-of-the-art virtual JKU medSPACE makes studying anatomy and pathology extremely cool! Using 3D glasses, during selected courses you can immerse yourself in the human body at the JKU medSPACE.

Medical Students Share their Stories

Have you ever experienced a still heart begin to beat again? Is the pathology exam really the toughest exam? JKU students talk about their calling to medicine and their unique, personal experiences studying medicine in Linz.

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[Translate to Englisch:] icon med

Medical Studies

Learn more about studying medicine in Linz.

The Faculty of Medicine

Learn more about medical studies and research at the JKU.
Virtuelle Anantomie im JKU medSPACE

University Medicine in Upper Austria

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