Mayor Klaus Luger presented the award to the long-time chairwoman (JKU Working Group for Equal Opportunity) in recognition of her outstanding achievements.

Together with seven additional individuals, Cäcilia Innreiter-Moser was presented with the prestigious distinction during a ceremony at the Old Town Hall on September 6. Mayor Luger spoke about the impact of her lifelong commitment to support equal opportunities.
Since the start of her academic career, Assist. Prof. Dr. Cäcilia Innreiter-Moser has supported and advocated for the advancement of women. She taught at the JKU’s the institutes of Leadership Change Management, Organization Science, Business Informatics and Organizational Research. As a JKU faculty member, scholar and researcher, her activities resulted in considerable advancement in the areas of organization, gender and diversity. She also co-founded, and served as academic director, for the JKU’s MBA post-graduate program, "Management and Leadership for Women". She has mentored countless students and applied her expertise to advise leading stakeholders in government, business, and the community.