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Getting Information Prior to Studies: The Annual Study Info Fair on September 21

High school students close to graduation can attend the JKU’s annual 3-day “Studies Information Fair” free of charge to learn more about the wide range of educational opportunities available in Upper Austria.

Opening of the 2021 SIM
Opening of the 2021 SIM

Representatives from other universities, universities of applied sciences, academies, healthcare profession institutions, the Austrian Armed Forces - and more! – have been invited to the Studies Information Fair at the JKU to provide information and academic advising to young Upper Austrians.

Stefan Koch, JKU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at the JKU, remarked: "This studies fair showcases the broad range of educational opportunities. The JKU offers around 100 academic degree programs alone, including unique programs such as Artificial Intelligence and Medical Engineering. This is just a small selection of what is available to young people in Upper Austria. I hope the visitors enjoy the studies fair and I wish them the best of luck in their search for just the right educational program!"

Various Opportunities for Talented Students
In addition to important information about studying at a university (student dormitories, grants, study selection tests, and career advising services, etc.), visitors will have an opportunity to tour the campus and even attend mock lectures. In cooperation with the Upper Austrian government, the JKU organizes the annual Studies Information Fair in September, giving over 4,000 young people a unique opportunity to learn more about educational options in Upper Austria.