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Institut of Polymer Product Engineering
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Bachelor's and Master's Presentations.

Mandatory Attendance:

  • Attend the Bachelor’s project seminar or the Master’s thesis seminar 4 times (during which you will hold a presentation during one of the dates).

There may be more than one presentation on a single date; this is considered as ONE date. Students can attend presentations at all four KT institutes. Students must hold their own presentation ONLY at the institute in which they are enrolled in the course.


Form to Verify a Bachelor's Thesis Presentation, opens a file in a new window

Form to Verify a Master's Thesis Presentation (German), opens a file in a new window

Form to Verify Attending the Master's Thesis Seminar (English), opens a file

 BSc - MSc Presentations IPPE

Pattanachai SONKRATOK
"Investigation of Short Fiber Orientations and Weld Lines of fiber-reinforced Injection Molded Components"

"Additive Manufacturing of Hierarchical Bio-Inspired Composites through Fused Filament Fabrication"