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JKU Young Researchers Awards

We are proud to announce that four former members of our institute were awarded today for their excellent Ph.D. theses today.

JKU Young Researchers Awards

During the past few months, four Ph.D. students from the Institute for Algebra have completed their thesis: Clemens Hofstadler's thesis was co-supervised by Georg Regensburger and Clemens Raab, Philipp Nuspl was a student of Veronika Pillwein at RISC and only spent the final few months of his Ph.D. studies at our institute, Jakob Moosbauer completed his thesis under the guidance of Manuel Kauers, and the advisor of Bernardo Rossi was Erhard Aichinger. All four have made excellent contributions to their respective research areas. Today they all received a well-deserved JKU Young Researchers Award. We congratulate them on their achievements and on the award.