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Carbon Utilization Technologies

Impact assessments of novel Carbon Utilization Technologies serving Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy approaches

Reducing the amount of CO2 is indispensable if global climate goals shall be reached and many paths lead to the goal. Next to avoiding CO2-emissions, the utilization of CO2 as a chemical resource - Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) - can be the answer to several problems: Reducing the environmental impact of processes, increase resource efficiency and support the industrial structural change, as new business opportunities emerge.

Terms like Carbon Neutrality, Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis are widely used to describe the ideal conception of a sustainable treatment of human needs, nature and economy.

But how can novel solutions such as CCU benefit this structural change? How can it be integrated into existing infrastructure and society? And which type of CCU-technology is the best for a specific location? Answering such questions is a complex task as interconnected systems tend to lead to complex technical, economic, social and legal structures and challenges.

In our research we develop an assessment method based on key performance indicators for carbon utilization technologies. We use common methods  as building blocks – e.g. techno-economic, life-cycle and socio-economic as well as stakeholder assessments.

The method shall enable to evaluate novel carbon utilization technologies and processes in the context of Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy concepts while taking into account common requirements of today’s industry and society. The assessment results are aimed to support more targeted R&D and exploitation strategies.