Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Linz, Austria
• Employment as University Assistant with teaching obligations
• Research and representative activities
• Scientific community services as TPC member of several IEEE conferences.
Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics (FKIE), Wachtberg, Germany
• Analysis of physi cal layer security based on the uniqueness of the wirelesscommunication channel
• Implementations and verification of secure communication links using software defined radios
Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Lima, Peru
• Radar controller programming on FPGA for ionospheric observations
• Signal processing for multi antenna coast radar systems
Work related to Mechatronics at Sony DADC (CD-production), Magna Steyr
(vehicular engineering), BMW Motoren Steyr (R&D for Diesel engines)
PhD studies in Technical Sciences at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
• Doctoral thesis on “Time-based synchronization and localization in wireless networks”
- Investigations on network synchronization and simultaneous localization
- Supervisor: Prof. Andreas Springer
• Defense: September 6, 2016
- Jury: Prof. Geert Leus (TU Delft), Prof. René Mayrhofer (JKU Linz)
• Pass with distinction
• Additional projects during thesis:
- MIMO Receivers (cont. of Diploma Thesis)
- Secure synchronization
- Cross Layer Design for Low-Latency Communication
• Collaborations and visting periods:
- Prof. Henk Wymeersch at Chalmers University of Technology
- Prof. Franz Hlawatsch at Technical University Vienna
- Prof. Erchin Serpedin at Texas A&M University
- Prof. Peter Händel and Dr. Satyam Dwivedi at Kungliga Tekniska Hgskolan (KTH)
- Prof. Nan Wu at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
• Teaching:
- Lectures: Advanced Electrodynamics, Introduction to Communication Systems
- Practical courses: Advanced Communications Engineering, Electrical Engineering
• Additional engagement: Organization of tutorials with international lecturers
Diploma studies at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Dipl.-Ing. (equivalent to MSc) in mechatronics
• Pass with distinction
• Merit scholarship for excellence in academic achievement for the academic year 2007/2008
• Diploma thesis on ”Iterative Receiver Design for MIMO Communication Systems”
- Development of equalizers for coded communication systems over dispersive MIMO channels
• Project thesis on ”UWB Radar Signal Processing”
- Work on high resolution algorithms for shape recognition with pulse based UWB radar systems
• Exchange student at Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis (09/2006-07/2007)
• Additional engagement: Student union representative for Mechatronics at JKU
Landespreis für Innovation des Landes Oberösterreich - "Radikale Innovation" / Upper Austrian Innovation price - section "Radical Innovation"
JRO International Research Experience Program Scholarship by Jicamarca Radio Observatory
Merit scholarship for excellence in academic achievement by JKU