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- Keplergebäude Building - 1st floor - K131 B
- alexander.staeudelmayr(at)jku.at
Additional Information
Short Biography
Alexander Stäudelmayr holds a Master's degree in Socioeconomics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and conducted research at the Department of Economics there on the media coverage of redistribution policies in German-language media. His research interests include economic discourses, media economics, distributional conflicts and socio-ecological transformation. Since October 2024, Alexander is part of the research group “Socio Ecological Transformation” (SET), where he focuses on the role of economic knowledge in the context of socio-ecological transformation processes.
Research interests
Alexander conducted research at the Department of Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) on media coverage of redistributive policies in German-speaking media. His research interests include political-economic discourses, media economics, distributional conflicts and the societal handling of socio-ecological transformation challenges. In his empirical work, Alexander primarily uses qualitative and mixed-methods approaches. These include, for example, expert and focus group interviews, discourse analyses, topic modelling and hermeneutic text analysis.
- Socio-ecological transformation, mixed-methodes, critical discourse analysis0, media economics, Topic Modelling, political ecnomoy
- Stäudelmayr, Alexander, and Magdalena, Maad (2024). „Ja zu Vermögenssteuern? Eine Frage des Narrativs! ”. A&W Blog. https://www.awblog.at/Verteilung/Vermoegenssteuern-Frage-des-Narrativs, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, opens an external URL in a new window
Stäudelmayr, Alexander (2023). Glaube als Freiheitsversprechen: eine Erkundung moderne Glaubenserfahrungen junger Menschen anhand der Loretto-Homebase-Salzburg = Faith as a promise of freedom : an exploration of young people’s modern experiences with faith using the example of the loretto homebase salzburg. Wien. https://permalink.obvsg.at/wuw/AC17025414, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster, opens an external URL in a new window
Stäudelmayr, Alexander (2023). „Society for Pluralism in Economics Vienna”. Rethinking Economics. https://www.rethinkeconomics.org/2023/07/21/society-for-pluralism-vienna/, opens an external URL in a new window