Vice-Rector Christopher Lindinger presented mechatronics engineer Gerd Bramerdorfer with his venia legend/habilitation certificate.

Originally from Grieskirchen, Gerd Bramerdorfer is a JKU alumnus and recently earned authorization to teach the subject area of "Electrical Machines and Drive Technology". His post-doc dissertation was titled "On Increasing the Reliability of Electric Machine Performance Prediction".
Those pursuing a habilitation/post-doc undergo an academic evaluation in regard to special qualifications that proves their ability to independently conduct academic/scientific research and teach the entire depth and breadth of their selected subject area [facultas docendi], This, in turn, is the prerequisite to grant authorization to teach that particular subject area [venia legendi].
About Gerd Bramerdorfer
Gerd Bramerdorfer, Assistant Professor at the Institute for Electrical Drives and Power Electronics, is also a key researcher at the COMET-K2 "Center for Symbiotic Mechatronics" at the Linz Center for Mechatronics (LCM). His research focuses mainly on electrical machine design, actuators and power electronics. He has (co-)authored over 100 publications in journals and contributions to conference proceedings. His work has been cited over 1,000 times.