OA Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Tulzer was presented with his venia legendi/habilitation certificate during an academic ceremony.

JKU Vice-Rector Dr. Elgin Drda and Prof. Dr. Andreas Gruber, MBA, Assistant Dean of Research, presented OA Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Tulzer, Ph.D with his venia legendi/habilitation certificate during a ceremony at JKU medLOFT, where he was also congratulated by the head the Department of Pediatric Cardiology along with numerous colleagues at the Kepler University Hospital.
Tulzer is a senior physician at the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at the Kepler University Hospital. His post-doctorate dissertation was titled "Intrauterine Interventionen bei Feten mit angeborenem Herzfehler".
Those pursuing a habilitation/post-doc undergo an academic evaluation in regard to special qualifications that proves their ability to independently conduct academic/scientific research and teach the entire depth and breadth of their selected subject area [facultas docendi], This, in turn, is the prerequisite to grant authorization to teach that particular subject area [venia legendi].