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Laura Porak and Theresa Hager awarded with the JKU Young Researchers' Award

Two of the 35 prestigious prizes awarded to ICAE junior researchers

[Translate to Englisch:] Preisträgerinnen Laura Porak (links) und Theresa Hager (rechts) mit stellvertretender Institutsvorständin Katrin Hirte

In the course of the JKU Young Researchers' Awards, which were presented at a ceremony on June 24, 2024, the two doctoral students and ÖAW laureates Laura Porak and Theresa Hager each received an award for their outstanding research.

Theresa Hager was recognized for her contribution to the topic of reconciling sustainability and competition. Here she argues that the European Union's concept of “competitive sustainability” can offer a viable model for the challenges posed by the climate crisis.

You can find a concrete excerpt of her research here, opens an external URL in a new window.

Laura Porak received the prize for her work on the topics of the European Union's competitive strategies and the dynamics and effects of neoliberal globalization.

You can find a concrete excerpt of her research here, opens an external URL in a new window.

Click here for the official JKU press release.

Congratulations to both of them!