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Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy
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Current Research Projects

This study will analyze the economic prerequisites and effects of the mobility transition in the Austrian railroad sector and the automotive supply industry, with a particular focus on the employment effects of this transformation. Through a combination of expert interviews and economic input-output analyses, we will examine how the existing strengths in the transport industry in Austria can be further developed and made fit for the future in order to meet the challenges of the mobility transition and at the same time create sufficient jobs.
The results of this study will help to make a well-founded contribution to the discussion on the design of a sustainable mobility strategy in Austria. 

Here you can find further information about this project.

In this research project we study the extent to which globalization reinforces structural inequalities between nation states in the Eurozone, and which kind of policies can help to bring about convergence among the member states.

Here you can find further information about this project.

Competition and Competitivity plays an important political role today and serves as a reference point for human action in many areas. Against this background, the transdisciplinary research project SPACE investigates how the economic logic of competition emerged historically in academic discourse and has found its way into political and public debates, laws and ultimately our daily lives. It uses an innovative mix of economics, sociology, and ethnology methods, combining academic abstraction with everyday applicability of the results.

Here, opens an external URL in a new window you can find further information about this project.

This projects aims to understand how implicit and explicit rules shape competitive outcomes and practices.

Here you can find further information about this project.