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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Pretl

Research and Development

Current research interests are focused on analog and mixed-signals systems, RF transceivers and RF systems in the microwave and mm-wave frequencies, implemented in a wide range of technologies from nm-CMOS to BiCMOS, wireless sensor networks, ultra-low-power SoC for biomedical and IoT applications, and open-source tools and flows for IC design:

• Advanced receiver and transmitter concepts and implementations for cellular and short-range wireless.

• Ultra-low-power radio-frequency designs for fully autonomous sensor networks and energy harvesting.

• Circuit blocks and RF systems in the mm-wave frequency range for communication and sensing.

• Analog, mixed-signal, and RF building blocks and techniques, ranging from high-performance implementations to ultra-low-power designs in the μW- and nW-regime.
• Open-source IC design tools and flows.


Teaching at the JKU Linz

Currently supervising several Ph.D. students in the areas of analog, mixed-signal, and RF circuit design as well as biomedical electronics. Teaching responsibilities at the JKU include the following classes:

• Electronics (bachelor-level course for computer science majors)

• Analog circuit design (bachelor-level course for electronics majors)

• Design of complex integrated circuits (master-level course for electronics majors)

• Radio-frequency integrated circuits (master-level course for electronics majors)

• Seminars for B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. students

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. techn. degree (Ph. D.-equivalent)
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. The thesis title is “Design of a Zero-IF Receiver for UMTS.”

Dipl.-Ing. degree (M. Sc.-equivalent) in Electrical Engineering with Distinction
University of Technology, Graz, Austria. The thesis title is “Monolithic Integrated Down-Conversion Mixer
with High Linearity and Low Noise for the 1-GHz Band.”


Professional Experience

Full Professor, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Chair of Institute for Integrated Circuits and Quantum Computing

PRETL consult GmbH
Founder and general manager

Full Professor, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Head of the Integrated Circuits Group

Member of the JKU/SAL IWS Lab

Guest Researcher at IHP Microelectronics
Member of the core export group in the project FMD-QNC.

Co-Head of the LIT/SAL mmWave Lab
Co-lead of the joint mm-wave research laboratory between Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) and Silicon
Austria Labs (SAL).
Jobe role encompasses the definition and execution of the research roadmap in the mm-wave regime, and the
supervision of the Ph.D. students in the lab.

Cellular RF Architecture, Apple
Cellular RF group, Hardware Technologies (HWTech)

Sr. Principal Engineer, Intel Corp.
Cellular Radio and Connectivity Group (CRCG), Linz, Austria (DMCE GmbH & Co KG subsidiary)
Job role as Chief RF Technologist included working on definition and implementation of cellular (LTEAdvanced
and 5G NR) RF transceivers and radio subsystems in nm-CMOS as well as scouting and defining
future technology roadmap.

Sr. Principal Engineer, Infineon Technologies
RF Department, Linz, Austria (DICE GmbH & Co KG subsidiary)
Project manager and group leader working on single-chip RF transceivers for UMTS and GSM in BiCMOS
and CMOS technologies.

Researcher at the Institute for Communications Engineering, under supervision by Prof. Robert Weigel.


Professional Service

Associate Editor for Europa and Africa, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine

Expert reviewer for the Israel Science Foundation

Expert reviewer for German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Member of the Silicon Austria Labs Program Advisory Board

Member of the IEEE SSCS technical committee for the open-source ecosystem (TC-OSE)

IEEE Joint Communication & Sensing Symposium TPC

Austrochip TPC

Expert reviewer for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Austrochip 2021 Conference Chair



Intel RF Summit Conference

ISSCC TPC (RF subcommittee)

Reviewer for IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL), IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), FREQUENZ (DeGruyter), IEEE ISCAS 2021–2023, IEEE NEWCAS 2021, IEEE JC&S 2022–2024, CAE 2023–2024

Further Information

2017–2023 Partner and Steering Committee Member of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Digitally Assisted RF
Transceivers for Future Mobile Communications at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria

Partner in EU H2020 Innovative Training Network (ITN) project ”RHUMBO” (member of the supervisory

since 2024



Co-chair LIT/SAL mm-wave Lab


Lecturer in FFG project “Inno-EBS”, teaching courses in electronics, integrated circuit design, and wireless

2019, 2020

Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) Ars Electronica Call




Rudolf-Trauner-Preis 2023 for BARNlabs and IIC (Prof. Pretl)


P. Fath and H. Pretl, Best Paper Award at IEEE NorCAS


M. Eberlein and H. Pretl, Best Paper Award at IEEE ISCAS


T. Schumacher, T. Faseth, and H. Pretl, IEEE APMC Student Prize


Intel Achievement Award


S. Schmickl, T. Faseth, and H. Pretl, ReSMiQ Best Paper Award at IEEE NEWCAS

Q4 2018

Intel iCDG CRCG Division Recognition Award


J. Fuhrmann, P. Oßmann, K. Dufrene, H. Pretl, and R. Weigel, PAWR Student Paper Competition–First
Place, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society


Intel iCDG Excellence Award “SMARTiTMUE2p: The World’s Smallest Modem for the Internet of Things”


  • Senior Member of the IEEE
  • Member of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS), Circuits and Systems Society (CAS), Microwave
  • Theory and Techniques Society (MTT)
  • Member of the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE)
  • Member of the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
  • Alumni Advisory Board of the Technical High School in Steyr, Austria