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Lecture Series Artificial Intelligence

  • The "Lecture Series Artificial Intelligence" hosts lecturers from different scientific disciplines and backgrounds.
  • While the Lecture Series is a mandatory course for first semester AI Bachelor students, all talks will be open to everyone with an interest in AI – students of all semesters and fields, University employees, and the general public.
  • Talks always start at 14:00 h.
  • Most talks take place in Lecture Hall 1 (HS 1) at JKU; Covid rules apply.
  • All talks will be live broadcast via Zoom: https://jku.zoom.us/j/98729013052?pwd=eUNmQWRFY2Q1ZHVjdW0xSlZKeTRUZz09, opens an external URL in a new window.
  • For questions and feedback contact Oleg Lesota via oleg.lesota(at)jku.at.

Semester Overview:

Date Speaker Affiliation Title of Talk/ Abstract Mode
11.10.2022 Introduction      
18.10.2022 Markus Schedl JKU Linz / Inst. of Comp. Perc. + LIT AI Lab Fair Algorithmic Ranking Systems Presence
25.10.2022 Kyriaki Kostoglou Institute of Neural Engineering, Graz University of Technology Using interpretable machine learning to understand how the brain works Presence
08.11.2022 Manuel Kauers Institut f. Algebra, JKU Artificial Intelligence for Mathematics Presence
15.11.2022 Kristian Kersting TU Darmstadt Tractable Probabilistic Circuits: From distributions, over time series predictions, to causality Zoom
22.11.2022 Johanna Schmidt VRVis Visual Analytics for Large-Scale IoT Data Presence
29.11.2022 Gerhard Widmer JKU Linz / Inst. of Comp. Perc. + LIT AI Lab AI and/for Music Presence
13.12.2022 Martina Seidl JKU Linz / Institute for Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Competitions As Scientific Methods Presence
17.01.2023 Rudolf Rosa Charles University, Prague THEaiTRE: Automatically Generating Theatre Play Scripts Presence
24.01.2023 Oliver Bimber ICG JKU Seeing through Forest Presence


Lecture Series Artificial Intelligence 2019/20

Lecture Series Artificial Intelligence 2020/21, opens in new window

Lecture Series Artificial Intelligence 2021/22