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Practice Talk

#schongenial - the initiative for more appreciation in our society (Dr Alfred Fiedler)


Our speaker, Dr. Alfred Fiedler, Managing Partner of afp werbeagentur gmbh, shed light on the importance of appreciation in our society. Dr. Fiedler emphasized that our society is facing major global, social and health challenges, including climate change, environmental issues, lack of prospects and the mental and physical health of the population. However, he described these challenges as opportunities and encouraged a more positive mindset.

Dr. Fiedler emphasized that these tasks can only be mastered through joint efforts and greater appreciation for people, nature and society. According to Prof. em. Dr. Reinhard Haller, genuine appreciation inspires creativity, motivation and the ability to build relationships - qualities that are urgently needed.

The lecture was moderated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katharina Hofer, who also led the critical discussion that followed. The participants had the opportunity to share their perspectives and debate the issues raised in depth.

The Practice Dialogue once again offered valuable insights into practice and promoted exchange between students and practitioners. We would like to thank Dr. Alfred Fiedler for his inspiring presentation and all participants for their dedicated participation.
