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Practice Talk with Sparkasse

The new image of Sparkasse Oberösterreich

[Translate to Englisch:] Sparkasse

On 23th October 2023, Mag. Alexandra Rochelt presented the new image of Sparkasse Oberösterreich at the 1st Practice Talk of the winter semester 2023/24.

In her presentation, Ms Rochelt showed how the Sparkasse brand has transformed itself in the digital age; it has become colourful, but at the same time the original identity has been preserved. A bank that is 174 years old, has anchored in its DNA that it contributes to society and is rooted in the region, has managed to transform its brand into the digital age.

The practice talk is intended for students of the Institute of Retailing, Sales and Marketing as well as for practitioners and Marketing Club Linz members. Thank you very much for coming!

We thank you for the interesting presentation and the lively discussion.
We would also like to thank Prof. Dr. Katharina Hofer for her moderation.