In the general public, the term "marketing" is usually associated with brands such as Coca-Cola, Nike or Disney and thus equated with consumer goods or business-to-consumer marketing. This is quite understandable against the background of the advertising pressure exerted by such brands on consumers, but measured by sales, marketing processes in business-to-business markets are much more important than those in consumer goods markets due to the large number of value-added stages involved. These marketing processes are so specific that it is necessary to treat them within the framework of an independent marketing approach - business-to-business marketing. The instrumental peculiarities of this marketing approach reflect in particular the higher degree of individualization in various facets (e.g. personal communication, performance individualization, price negotiations and price individualization) characteristic of business-to-business markets. But also the fact that purchase decisions in business-to-business markets are made by organizations and therefore have a predominantly multi-personal character has significant effects on the marketing approach to be chosen in business-to-business markets.
However, business-to-business marketing has been fundamentally further developed in recent years by the Business-to-Business-Marketing department in that it is based on a value-based approach. In contrast to the traditional view of marketing, value-based Business-to-Business-Marketing does not focus one-sidedly on the question of marketing effectiveness. Because even if a provider is effective because it creates a higher customer value compared to the competition, the question remains whether this effectiveness is also designed efficiently to the extent that corresponding value is created for the provider itself. At the heart of value-based business-to-business marketing is therefore the adequate control of the relevant value drivers and value realization with the aim of simultaneously generating value for the customer and the provider. in particular, the higher degree of individualization characteristic of business-to-business markets is reflected in various facets (e.g. personal communication, performance individualization, price negotiations and price individualization). But also the fact that purchase decisions in business-to-business markets are made by organizations and therefore have a predominantly multi-personal character, has significant effects on the marketing approach to be chosen in business-to-business markets.
Selected publications
Werani, T./Gaubinger, K./Kindermann, H. (2006): Praxisorientiertes Business-to-Business-Marketing: Grundlagen und Fallstudien aus Unternehmen; Wiesbaden: Gabler
Werani, T. (2012): Business-to-Business-Marketing: Ein wertbasierter Ansatz; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer
Werani T. (2014): Prozessorientierung als Schlüssel eines wertbasierten B-to-B-Marketing; Marketing Review St. Gallen, 31. Jg., Nr. 6, S. 48-55
Werani, T./Leitner, M. (2015): Multi-Channel-Marketing in Industriegütermärkten; in: Backhaus, K./Voeth, M. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Business-to-Business-Marketing: Grundlagen, Geschäftsmodelle, Instrumente des Industriegütermarketing, 2. Aufl.; Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, S. 461-482