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Cluster of Excellence

[Translate to Englisch:] Team Cluster of Excellence JKU

“Bilateral AI”: Austrian Science Fund ‘Cluster of Excellence’ Funding for a JKU-Led Project.

Funding of up to €70 million will be available to conduct base-knowledge research into artificial intelligence.

Under the leadership of Sepp Hochreiter, an AI pioneer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, the new Austrian Science Fund ‘Cluster of Excellence’ supports bringing leading Austrian researchers and scholars in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) together in an effort to develop a new level of AI, so-called “Broad AI”, to, for example, deliver significantly better and broader problem-solving capabilities than ChatGPT.

www.jku.at/en/virtual-morphology/news-events/detail/news/bilaterale-ki-projekt-unter-leitung-der-jku-erhaelt-fwf-cluster-of-excellence/, opens an external URL in a new window