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Institute of Analytical and General Chemistry
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Bachelor / Master theses.

The start of a Bachelor or Master thesis is possible at any time; the topics will be assigned after consultation with Prof. Klampfl or Prof. Himmelsbach.


Finished Master theses

Elmir Velagic (2024)
Method development and implementation of PFAS analysis using HPLC-QQQ

Anna Kafka (2024)
Optimization of extraction methods for the quantitative determination of organic parameters in the environment

Kolmer Magdalena (2024)
Development and Validation of a Multi-Mycotoxin Method for Tomato- and Vegetable Products by LC-MS/MS

Palmetshofer Michael (2023)
Screening for second-generation antihistamines and their metabolites in various crops via HPLC-DT-IM-QTOF-MS

Kogler Alexandra (2023)
Non-targeted multisample analysis of beer using HPLC-DT-IM-QTOF-MS

Spindler Alina Larissa (2023)
Lipid analysis of edible oils using HPLC-DT-IM-QTOF-MS

Schmiedjell David (2022)
Screening for metabolites of venlafaxine and citalopram in edible plants

Fink Astrid (2022)
Evaluation and optimization of tissue extraction protocols using targeted metabolomics

Zellner Laura (2022)
Uptake and metabolism of valsartan and candesartan in different plants

Schiefer Thomas (2022)
Uptake and metabolism of azilsartan and olmesartan in plants

Detzlhofer Anna (2022)
Uptake, translocation and metabolisation of amitriptyline and orphenadrine in plants

Hammerschmid Georg (2021)
Untersuchungen zur Trennung von Desmosin und Isodesmosin

Grahammer Johannes (2021)
Analysis of Hydroxy Fatty Acids Using GC-EI-MS and HPLC-ESI-MS

Lang Tamara (2021)
Investigations on the metabolization of parabens and telmisartan in different plants

Seyer Alexandra (2021)
Investigations on the uptake and transformation of UV filters in plants using HPLC DTIM-QTOF-MS

Frühwirth Anna (2021)
Magnetic properties of soft magnetic powder metallurgy alloys

Friedl Sebastian (2021)
Spurenanalyse von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen in menschlichem Gewebe

Czaker Sandra (2021)
Thermal Desorption Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Post-consumer Recyclates (Supervisor: o.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Wolfgang Buchberger, Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. DI Dr.mont. Jörg Fischer)

Felgel-Farnholz Alexander (2021)
Thermo-mechanical recycling: study on the performance of unstabilized and stabilized polyolefins during extrusion

Grechhamer Christian (2021)
Uptake and metabolism of tramadol and lidocaine in plants

Neuwirth Nina (2020)
Schnelle qualitative Analytik von Polymeradditiven mittels Ionenmobilitäs-Massenspektrometrie

Gall Barbara (2019)
Bauteilreinigung und deren Auswirkung auf das Korrosionsverhalten von Sinterbauteilen

Pichlmann Ramona (2019)
Determination of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug metabolites in duckweed by high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric detection

Danner Christian (2018)
Ermittlung der Entkohlungsgeschwindigkeit an den RH-Anlagen

Kneißl Sabine (2018)
Methodenentwicklung zur Bestimmung von Neonicotinoiden in Honig und Bienenwachs

Schweighuber Andrea (2018)
Migration von polyzyklischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen aus Polystyrol

Zopf Martin (2018)
Präparative und analytische Auftrennung möglicher Coprodukte aus den Ablaugen einer Zellstofffabrik

Wierer Markus (2017)
Fate of stabilizers in BOPP films used in oil-impregnated capacitors

Bögl Thomas (2016)
Bestimmung von anorganischen Spurenelementen und organischen Substanzen in Elektrolyten

Tanzer Birgit (2016)
Pyrolyse-GC/MS von selbstlöschenden Zigarettenpapieren