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General Chemistry Quiz 2024

And here is the traditional report written by our winning team.

[Translate to Englisch:] Group picture

„Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second of your life. Don't you have other things to do?“

We gathered together for a memorable and highly entertaining pub quiz organized to celebrate the conclusion of our Practical Courses in General Chemistry. This lively event brought together students from the Chemistry and Chemical Technology studies as well as Biological Chemistry students, all eager to relax and enjoy after an intense period of hard work in the lab. Which is now (finally) done. Some would say, that only after we’ve passed General Lab that we are free to do anything, quoted freely from a man named Tyler.

The event, meticulously organized by Dr. Johanna Novacek and a dedicated group of tutors who also participated in the lab sessions, was nothing short of a blast.

Their efforts in putting together this quiz were evident in the variety and creativity of the questions and topics. The quiz featured ten categories that ranged from hilariously funny to some sort of interesting, and even to the very weird some might say sensual. This wide mix ensured that everyone was kept on their toes and continuously engaged. The categories were designed to appeal to our diverse academic backgrounds while also adding a touch of humor and unexpected twists that made the evening truly special.

In conclusion, the pub quiz was a perfect way to end our time in the Practical Courses of General Chemistry. It was an evening filled with joy, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments. We are really grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a fun and well-organized event. To end it with a final fight club reference: Never forget Rule 1&2.

Redox Rangers – Leo, Markus, Clemens, Simon, Johannes, Muchacho

Winner team ©Martina Petrova