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Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Werner G. Müller

Head of Department, Head of the Division (Data Acquisition and Data Quality)

Curriculum Vitae

Appointment as full professor at JKU Linz

venia docendi in statistics at Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien),
then associate professor at WU Wien

Doctoral degree in social and economic sciences (statistics) with distinction at WU Wien,
then assistant professor at University Vienna

Magisterium (equivalent to master's degree) of social and business statistics with distinction at Universität Vienna

School leaving examination at BG Schwechat

Longer research and teaching stays and sabbaticals at IIASA Laxenburg (1986-88), IHS Wien (1988-90), University of Iowa (1993-94), Universität Wien (2001-02), Universade Salamanca (2005), Université Nice/Sophia-Antipolis (2010), University of Southampton (2016)


Course Id Title Registration Type WH Teachers Rhythm
238103 (2025S) Seminar in Statistics and Data Science
Show schedule
Register SE 1,00 Johannes ReichlAngela Bitto-NemlingChristine DullerAndreas FutschikMarkus HainyMagdalena Muszynska-SpielauerWerner MüllerAndreas QuatemberHelga WagnerHelmut Waldl Weekly
238115 (2025S) Master's Seminar
Show schedule
Register SE 2,00 Andreas FutschikWerner Müller Weekly
238240 (2025S) Research Seminar
Show schedule
Register VO 0,00 Werner Müller Weekly
238217 (2025S) Statistics for Social and Economics Science
Show schedule
Register KS 2,00 Werner Müller Weekly
238231 (2025S) Advanced Statistical Inference
Show schedule
Register VL 2,00 Werner Müller Weekly
238233 (2025S) Experimental Design
Show schedule
Register KV 2,00 Werner Müller Weekly
238103 (2025S)
Title Seminar in Statistics and Data Science
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type SE
WH 1,00
Teachers Johannes ReichlAngela Bitto-NemlingChristine DullerAndreas FutschikMarkus HainyMagdalena Muszynska-SpielauerWerner MüllerAndreas QuatemberHelga WagnerHelmut Waldl
Rhythm Weekly
238115 (2025S)
Title Master's Seminar
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type SE
WH 2,00
Teachers Andreas FutschikWerner Müller
Rhythm Weekly
238240 (2025S)
Title Research Seminar
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type VO
WH 0,00
Teachers Werner Müller
Rhythm Weekly
238217 (2025S)
Title Statistics for Social and Economics Science
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type KS
WH 2,00
Teachers Werner Müller
Rhythm Weekly
238231 (2025S)
Title Advanced Statistical Inference
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type VL
WH 2,00
Teachers Werner Müller
Rhythm Weekly
238233 (2025S)
Title Experimental Design
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type KV
WH 2,00
Teachers Werner Müller
Rhythm Weekly

About me

Werner G. Müller is currently a full professor and department head at the Institute of Applied Statistics at the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria (JKU). He served President of the Austrian Statistical Society (ÖSG), opens an external URL in a new window between 2014 and 2017. He earned his PhD in Statistics at the University of Vienna in 1991 and taught at the University of Economics Vienna as an assistant/associate professor until 2006. His research interests include the areas of experimental design and spatial statistics. Müller is the author of Collecting Spatial Data and has co-edited six other books, has published over 50 research papers in refereed journals, and contributed to over 70 other publications, with currently over 2000 citations on Google Scholar, opens an external URL in a new window. He has served as co-editor of Statistical Papers (Springer), opens an external URL in a new window since 2010.

Research Focus

  • Experimental Design
  • Spatial Econometrics


  • Mathematical Statistics
  • Econometrics
  • Applied Statistics

Office Hours

Wednesday from 17:15 and on appointment



Yuanyuan Li

+43 732 2468 6801