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Bachelor's Thesis

Members of the IFAS with Phd. supervise Bachelor and Master theses in Statistics , preferably in the following areas and serve as examiners for the Master’s examination:


Zeitreihenanalyse, Computational Statistics, Bayesian Neural Networks, Statistical Machine Learning, MCMC Methoden


Nonparametric Statistics


Modelling of High-Dimensional Data, Approximative Inference, Biostatistics and Modelling of Genomic Data


Computational Statistics, Bayes Statistics, Supervised Learning


Experimental Design, Econometrics, Spatial Statistics


Population Health and Mortality


Survey Statistics and related topics

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Panel Data Analysis


Time-Series Analysis, Analysis of Longitudinal Data, Survival Analysis, Bayes-Statistics, Medical Statistics


(Generalized) Linear Models, Factor Analysis

Currently the following topics for Bachelor theses are offered for supervision amongst others:


• Nonparametric tests for umbrella alternatives
• Nonparametric post-hoc-tests
• Nonparametric tests for sorted alternatives


• Effects of Violation of Model Assumptions on Statistical Methods
• Theory of Probability in Pictures: Visualisation of Important Results of Probability Theory

• Comparison of sequential design criteria for model discrimination design with correlated observations

• Effect of instruction time on student achievements


• The Variance of the Sample Median
• Estimation of COVid-19 prevalence by means of Approximate Bayesian Computation
• Machine Learning using OfficeCalc
• Counterexamples to the Lindeberg-Lévy theorem
• Analysis of wordle.at strategies


• Secular change in the gender health-survival paradox
• Educational differences in the age of premature mortality


• Indirekte Befragungsdesigns bei sensitiven Themen
• Diskussion von Papers zu verschiedenen anderen Themen aus dem Bereich der Survey-Statistik

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• Analysis of High-Frequency Electricity Consumption Data

• Analysis of Multinational Household Surveys


• Estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects via propensity score matching
• Statistical analysis of  fmri data  in R
• Statistical inference for fmri data
• Bayesian methods in meta analysis
• Meta regression
• Analysis of compositional data



• Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling
• Bias-Variance-trade-off in general linear models
• Double Generalized Linear Models
• Operationales Risiko: Verlustverteilung mit Monte Carlo Simulation (in Kooperation mit der Oberbank)

Information regarding the Bachelor's Thesis can be found here. The template for the layout of the Bachelor's Thesis can be found below.