As part of our research and development activities, we cooperate with a wide range of partners in the economic, scientific and public sectors:
- Bundesamt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, opens an external URL in a new window
- Danube Private University, opens an external URL in a new window
- ELMARCO SRO, opens an external URL in a new window
- Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), opens an external URL in a new window
- Hofer GmbH & Co KG, opens an external URL in a new window
- Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvoltare Pentru Fizica Laserilor Plasmei si Radiatiei (INFLPR), opens an external URL in a new window
- Lung Diagnostics, opens an external URL in a new window
- Manutech, opens an external URL in a new window
- surgebright, opens an external URL in a new window
- Université Jean Monnet, opens an external URL in a new window