... is comprised of a total of 28 ECTS credits and consists of:
- the Master's thesis (25 ECTS credits) and
- the Master's thesis seminar (3 ECTS credits)
Admission requirements for the Master's thesis:
Successful completion of compulsory and elective subjects totalling at least 40 ECTS credits
Please note the following information regarding the Master’s thesis seminar:
A thesis is to be written as part of the master’s seminar. In contrast to the bachelor thesis, it is not limited in time.
Currently open Master's theses topics are listed below.
The specific topic will be assigned after a personal consultation with your supervisor / contact person
The progress of the work is assessed by the supervisors in three interim presentations and one detailed final presentation.
Important: Sign up for the Master’s seminar in KUSSS!
Currently Open Master's Theses Topics
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