The Atomic Physics and Surface Science Division (AOP) at Institute of Experimental Physics was established in March 1997 with professorship of o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Zeppenfeld at Johannes Kepler University Linz, at Institute of Experimental Physics JKU Linz. The Atomic Physics and Surface Science Division AOP at Institute of Experimental Physics focussed mainly the research of Surface Science and the development of optical and electronic devices for scanning probe microscopes and optical spectrometers for surface analysis and construction of scientific instruments within last twenty years. Scientific research at Atomic Physics (Rutherford Backscattering) ended through retirement of atomic scientific staff.
The Surface Science Division (AOP) at Institute of Experimental Physics is re-named since May 2018.
Physics Building

Vision / Mission Statement & Strategy
The JKU considers itself a strongly rooted, regional institution but at the same time, the Surface Science Division AOP at Institute of Experimental Physics is a part of this internationally-oriented university in Linz and because of this to become a leading European academic institution.
The Surface Science Division / AOP thrives on the diversity of the skills and potential of our employees and students - regardless of age, gender, or cultural, religious and social backgrounds.
At Surface Science Division at Institute of Experimental Physics, our success and potential have been firmly established by our assets and strengths: international activities, excellent employees, real-world practices integrated in to teaching and research
Those at the JKU, respectively our members of Surface Science Division at Insitute of Experimental Physics strive to offer and maintain the highest level of quality in teaching, research and administration. Quality is not based solely on key figures and indicators but rather, it is about a dynamic process based on changing expectations, society's demands, and university employees.