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Welcome to the Institute of Organization Science!

Since 1973, organizational research has had a longstanding tradition at the JKU. Internationally oriented research and education continue to shape the institute to the present day.

As part of the field of social and behavioral sciences, the Institute of Organization Science is committed to research and education focusing on ‘the organization’. This means that we not only understand organizational sciences as a key area of managerial responsibility, the organization itself is also a central institution within a modern society, significantly influencing the way people live and work, especially in a work environment.

Since its inception, the institute has successfully collaborated with leading international universities around the world, including universities in Australia, Germany, France, Great Britain, and Canada, thereby contributing consistently to the JKU's internationalization efforts in research and academic education.

Our institute homepage provides information about our academic degree programs, particularly the LIO Master's degree program and the Global Business Master's degree program.

You can also learn more about our research programs and our externally funded projects.

Institute of Organization Science


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Hochschulfond Bldg., 2nd floor, Rm. 215

Office hours administration

Monday - Thursday:       9am - 2pm

News & Events

News 16.07.2024

40th EGOS Colloquium 2024 in Milan

With two of its three research focuses — Organizing for Digital Transformation and Platformization, as well as Organizing for Creativity and Innovation — the Institute for Organization was represented at this year's EGOS Colloquium, the largest European conference for organizational research.

The EGOS Colloquium provided inspiring and constructively challenging discussions, enabling us to reflect on ongoing research, question viewpoints, and open up to new ideas. Moreover, excellence was not only the scientific guiding theme this year but also the maxim of the social program: the visit to the Pirelli HangarBicocca, a leading institution for contemporary art, and the privilege of the EGOS dinner overshadowed by Anselm Kiefer's The Seven Heavenly Palaces could not have been more impressive. We thank the substream conveners, conference organizers, and all discussion partners!

To our individual conference contributions:

Sara Maric spoke on “Remixing logics, shaking up society: Analyzing platformization from a cultural institutionalist perspective,” a research work conducted together with Elke Schüßler (Leuphana University, Lüneburg) and Leonhard Dobusch (University of Innsbruck), analyzing the current impacts of platformization from a cultural-institutionalist perspective.

Robert M. Bauer presented “Revisiting exchange: Digital platforms as infrastructures for reciprocal, non-reciprocal and unilateral exchange,” an approach developed jointly with Elke Schüßler (Leuphana University, Lüneburg), which enables the analysis of the integral interplay of different forms of exchange — more or less reciprocal, more or less consensual, and more or less discrete (i.e., distinguishable and attributable) — in the digital economy.

Benjamin Schiemer spoke about methodological insights from creativity research. “Qualitative Researcher-role-in-the-making: The Value of Enduring Liminality” — developed together with Sunny Mosangzi Xu — highlights the value of extended liminality (i.e., remaining in transitions) for qualitative empirical research.

News 26.06.2024

2nd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop: A Confluence of Creative Minds

In late May, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia hosted the 2nd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop, with Johannes Kepler University (JKU) making significant contributions that underscored its commitment to academic excellence in creativity research. Professor Claudio Biscaro acted as a workshop convener, infusing the discussions with his rich experience and expertise. Additionally, Professor Robert M. Bauer served as a member of an esteemed faculty panel that included representatives from ten leading European universities, offering a diverse range of academic perspectives and expertise. The workshop also featured presentations from emerging JKU scholars Roja Ratzinger and Dr. Benjamin Schiemer, who shared their ongoing projects, enriching the diverse array of research displayed.

This event provides a unique platform for young researchers across Europe and beyond who are passionate about advancing their empirical or conceptual studies in creativity within the fields of organization theory (OT) and organizational behavior (OB). The workshop is intensely developmental, focusing on providing each participant with thorough and constructive feedback on their work.

This year’s event also included cultural enrichments with visits to two notable institutions in the Reggio Emilia area: Aterballetto, Italy's premier contemporary dance institution, and Collezione Maramotti. The latter, a renowned contemporary art collection assembled over three generations by the Maramotti family, is housed in the original Max Mara factory, now repurposed as a museum. These visits provided participants with an inspirational break and a broader cultural perspective, enhancing the overall workshop experience.

[Translate to Englisch:] Organizing Creativity
News 26.06.2024

Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies

In mid-June, the 9th Creative Industries Conference was held at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS). As part of this conference, Academy of Management Discoveries held a special-issue workshop on Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies, in which the Institute of Organization was represented with two research papers.

The paper Assetization of Creativity: How Digital Platforms Shape the Role of Copyright in Creative Industries by Benjamin Schiemer, Konstantin Hondros and Lukas Vogelsang is based on a qualitative study that examines the atypical practices and business models of digital platforms and their effects on the relational dynamics in the music industry.

The paper Content Creators and Content Cleaners: Understanding the Backstage of Creative Content Production on Social Media Platforms by Sara Maric and Elke Schüßler addresses the evaluative processes employed by social media platforms. It is based on fifty interviews with social media content moderators from Kenya, Germany and Morocco, aiming at explaining the complex evaluation mechanisms that precede the publication of content on major platforms.

We are excited about this opportunity to present our research and grateful for the valuable feedback that will significantly contribute to the further development of both papers.

[Translate to Englisch:] Edinburgh June 2024
News 17.06.2024

Relaunch of "Introduction to Organization": High-Caliber Guest Lectures from Practitioners

A big thank you to Dr. Reinhard Nöbauer, CEO of voestalpine High Performance Metals Division, and Christoph Lipinski from vidaflex and betreuerinnen.at for visiting JKU and providing extremely valuable insights as part of our redesigned course Introduction to Organization!

Dr. Reinhard Nöbauer discussed the challenges faced by a global sales organization that necessitate constant adjustments. In particular, he explained how it was possible to address the resulting changes through sustainably managed organizational development and use them to improve the company’s competitive position. Christoph Lipinski shared about the founding of the brokerage platform betreuerinnen.at, which implements a new approach to union activities and serves as an effective measure to address the care crisis while improving working conditions for 24-hour caregivers.

Both guest lectures are part of the relaunched of the bachelor course Introduction to Organization, which has been completely revamped this summer semester. The new format integrates teaching more closely with current developments in business and society, as well as with the institute’s research areas: Organizing for Creativity and Innovation, Organizing for Digital Transformation and Scale, and Organizing for Sustainability and Societal Transformation. Moreover, we are linking academic teaching more closely with management practice by featuring two high-caliber guest lectures on a selected topic each semester—in this semester: (Re-)Shaping Organizations—each exploring the topic from different perspectives.

Therefore, our sincere thanks again to Dr. Reinhard Nöbauer and Christoph Lipinski for their invaluable support in our efforts to provide excellent academic education!