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News & Events

PROS 2024

Process Organization Studies (PROS) 2024 in Cyprus

From June 24 to 27, 2024 the renowned Conference on Organizational Process Research took place in Cyprus, bringing together leading process-oriented…


40th EGOS Colloquium 2024 in Milan

With two of its three research focuses — Organizing for Digital Transformation and Platformization, as well as Organizing for Creativity and…

[Translate to Englisch:] Organizing Creativity

2nd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop: A Confluence of Creative Minds

In late May, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia hosted the 2nd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop, with Johannes…

[Translate to Englisch:] Edinburgh June 2024

Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies

In mid-June, the 9th Creative Industries Conference was held at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS). As part of this conference, Academ…

[Translate to Englisch:] Vortrag_EinfürhungOrg

Relaunch of "Introduction to Organization": High-Caliber Guest Lectures from Practitioners

A big thank you to Dr. Reinhard Nöbauer, CEO of voestalpine High Performance Metals Division, and Christoph Lipinski from vidaflex and…

[Translate to Englisch:] Benni

Publication in the A+ Journal Organization Science

We congratulate Benjamin Schiemer on his publication in Organization Science. It is entitled: "It’s About What Happens in the Meantime: The Temporal…

[Translate to Englisch:] Dreier Logo

The Austrian Early Scholars Workshop in Management: Successful 11th Session in Vienna, Next Workshop in Linz

The 11th Austrian Early Scholars Workshop took place at the end of April at WU Vienna. The workshop offers young academics working in organization and…

[Translate to Englisch:] Dr. Reber

Emeritus Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gerhard Reber, 1937—2023

It is with deep sadness that we share with you that on December 7 Gerhard Reber, founding chair of JKU’s Institute of Organization Science, has passed…

[Translate to Englisch:] LOGO EGOS

Institut für Organisation bei der EGOS Konferenz vertreten

The 39th edition of the EGOS Colloquium took place this year in Cagliari, Sardinia. The main theme revolved around the concept of 'Organizing for the…