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40th EGOS Colloquium 2024 in Milan


With two of its three research focuses — Organizing for Digital Transformation and Platformization, as well as Organizing for Creativity and Innovation — the Institute for Organization was represented at this year's EGOS Colloquium, the largest European conference for organizational research.

The EGOS Colloquium provided inspiring and constructively challenging discussions, enabling us to reflect on ongoing research, question viewpoints, and open up to new ideas. Moreover, excellence was not only the scientific guiding theme this year but also the maxim of the social program: the visit to the Pirelli HangarBicocca, a leading institution for contemporary art, and the privilege of the EGOS dinner overshadowed by Anselm Kiefer's The Seven Heavenly Palaces could not have been more impressive. We thank the substream conveners, conference organizers, and all discussion partners!

To our individual conference contributions:

Sara Maric spoke on “Remixing logics, shaking up society: Analyzing platformization from a cultural institutionalist perspective,” a research work conducted together with Elke Schüßler (Leuphana University, Lüneburg) and Leonhard Dobusch (University of Innsbruck), analyzing the current impacts of platformization from a cultural-institutionalist perspective.

Robert M. Bauer presented “Revisiting exchange: Digital platforms as infrastructures for reciprocal, non-reciprocal and unilateral exchange,” an approach developed jointly with Elke Schüßler (Leuphana University, Lüneburg), which enables the analysis of the integral interplay of different forms of exchange — more or less reciprocal, more or less consensual, and more or less discrete (i.e., distinguishable and attributable) — in the digital economy.

Benjamin Schiemer spoke about methodological insights from creativity research. “Qualitative Researcher-role-in-the-making: The Value of Enduring Liminality” — developed together with Sunny Mosangzi Xu — highlights the value of extended liminality (i.e., remaining in transitions) for qualitative empirical research.