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Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies

[Translate to Englisch:] Edinburgh June 2024

In mid-June, the 9th Creative Industries Conference was held at the University of Edinburgh Business School (UEBS). As part of this conference, Academy of Management Discoveries held a special-issue workshop on Creative Industries: Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Technologies, in which the Institute of Organization was represented with two research papers.

The paper Assetization of Creativity: How Digital Platforms Shape the Role of Copyright in Creative Industries by Benjamin Schiemer, Konstantin Hondros and Lukas Vogelsang is based on a qualitative study that examines the atypical practices and business models of digital platforms and their effects on the relational dynamics in the music industry.

The paper Content Creators and Content Cleaners: Understanding the Backstage of Creative Content Production on Social Media Platforms by Sara Maric and Elke Schüßler addresses the evaluative processes employed by social media platforms. It is based on fifty interviews with social media content moderators from Kenya, Germany and Morocco, aiming at explaining the complex evaluation mechanisms that precede the publication of content on major platforms.

We are excited about this opportunity to present our research and grateful for the valuable feedback that will significantly contribute to the further development of both papers.