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Institut für Organisation bei der EGOS Konferenz vertreten

[Translate to Englisch:] EGOS2023

The 39th edition of the EGOS Colloquium took place this year in Cagliari, Sardinia. The main theme revolved around the concept of 'Organizing for the Good Life: Balancing Legacy and Imagination'. The Institute for Organization was present with 3 contributions. Additionally, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler organized and led this year's PhD workshop, facilitating valuable exchanges for emerging scholars.

Benjamin Schiemer presented his work 'Leveraging ambiguity: How objects in laboratory experiments and music studio recordings co-generate novelty', co-authored with Elke Schüßler, Gernot Grabher, and Marie Hoop. Research on the organization of creative processes in music studios and pharmaceutical labs was presented under the subtheme 'Spaces for Creativity and Innovation within and across Organizational Boundaries' at the conference.

Elke Schüßler, Laura Thäter, and Sara Maric presented their research on 'Digital Capitalism without Firms? Consequences for the Organization and Regulation of Work from an Employment Systems Perspective', discussing the dynamics of digital work platforms and highly skilled cloud workers. Robert Bauer presented his research titled 'Faces of exchange: Digital platforms and the role of non-reciprocal and unilateral exchange', engaging in stimulating discussions with colleagues. Bauer extends his thanks to Georg Reischauer, Stefan Haefliger, and Ivanka Visnjic, who were responsible for organizing the highly rewarding EGOS substream 'The Faces and Interfaces of Digital Platforms', which was exceptional in both scope and quality.

The EGOS Colloquium is known for inspiring and constructively challenging discussions that enable us to rethink ongoing projects, question our own viewpoints, and embrace new ideas. We look forward to the next EGOS Colloquium, which will take place in Milan in 2024.