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Publication in the A+ Journal Organization Science

[Translate to Englisch:] Benni

We congratulate Benjamin Schiemer on his publication in Organization Science. It is entitled: "It’s About What Happens in the Meantime: The Temporal Interplay of Individual and Collective Creativity". In this publication Benjamin found how creativity in the music studio takes place in the meantime, when creatives develop ideas in brief moments of waiting for things (i.e., instruments to be tuned, bodies to be warmed up, computers to load). He synthesized this observation into a model that shows how material temporality can enable individuals to emerge briefly from the flow of coordinated creative interactions, develop ideas through defocus, humor and relaxation, and then dive back in. The temporal idleness afforded by material temporality provides an opportunity to organize the temporal interplay of individual and collective creativity.

To be found under: https://doi.org/10.1287/orsc.2021.15117, opens an external URL in a new window

