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Institute of Organization Science
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Hall of Fame

The following students have completed their master's or diploma thesis at our institute with a grade of "excellent":

Name Titel
Michael Bräuer MSc Developing Effective Virtual Teams: A cross-team analysis based on the IPO model
Melanie Brösenhuber MSc Design Thinking 2020: Theoretical an empirical grounds for taking design thinking from project to firm level (Studie 1)
Melissa Davidson MSc Remote Leadership - Studying the Co-construction of Leadership in Virtual Teams
Ulrike Fischer MSc CSR Embeddedness in the Garment Industry: Internal and External Drivers
Vesna Jovetic MSc

Ridesharing - das neue Trampen? Warum nutzen Personen internetbasierte Mitfahrgelegenheiten?

Mirela Karac MSc Design Thinking 2020: Theoretical an empirical grounds for taking design thinking from project to firm level (Studie 2)
Michaela Macher MSc Which CSR marketing measures do Sharing Economy Businesses apply and do these measures help to increase their appeal on customers? A cross-cultural study of Austrian and Italian consumers on the example of Airbnb
Victoria Mühleder MSc Design Thinking 2020: Theoretical an empirical grounds for taking design thinking from project to firm level (Studie 3)
Josef Pühringer MSc

Design Thinking: Process Investigation and Operationalization

Verena Rehrl MSc Women in Leadership - The role of self-efficacy in women’s leadership aspiration – a cross-cultural comparison between Austria and Spain
Doris Rom MSc Modellentwicklung für ein Netzwerk "Tourismus und Kultur" in Oberösterreich - Struktur und Praktiken
Madlene Sageder MSc Organizing Creativity across Cultures: A Comparison of Organizations in Russia and Austria
Christina Schuett MSc Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy - Comparing Reciprocity in the Sharing Economy and the Traditional Market Economy using Reviews on Accommodation Platforms

Michael Sengstschmid MSc

Understanding Interactions on Crowd-Enabling Platforms

Birgit Plöchl MSc Facilitating the circular economy with blockchain A semi-systematic literature review to identify blockchain technology applications to enhance the circular economy
Hannah Schneller MSc Developing Effective Virtual Teams: A cross-team analysis based on the IPO model
Mario Stich MSc Making Hybrid Work Work - A systematic literature review on hybrid working teams
Karolin Thalhammer MSc Institutionelle Erwartungen an die öffentliche Verwaltung im Zuge des New Public Managements
Milica Vasilijevic MSc Customer Power - The perspective of the organization

Julia Wurnitsch MSc

Learning from Crowdsourcing