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Institute of Pervasive Computing
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Alois Ferscha

About Alois Ferscha

Alois Ferscha was with the Department of Applied Computer Science at the University of Vienna at the levels of assistant and associate professor (1986-1999). In 2000 he joined the Johannes Kepler University Linz as full professor where he founded and heads the Institute of Pervasive Computing. He is the scientific head of the Research Studio PCA (Pervasive Computing Applications) and of the COMET K1 Centre Pro²Future. He had invited research successfully completed more than 25 national (FFG, IKTdZ, PdZ) and international (EU FP6, FP7) projects in the domains Pervasive/Ubiquitous/ Wearable/Cognitive Computing, Wireless Sensor/ Actuator Systems, WSNs, Multimodal HCI and High-Performance Simulation.

He was guest professor/researcher at international universities (UoGenova, UoOregon, UoMaryland, UoTurin), authored more than 300 peer reviewed scientific publications and is active as editor and reviewer for renowned scientific journals. He is a research agenda consultant at national (BMK, BMDW BMLV) and EC (DG CONNECT) level and has served as member of numerous committees of well-known conferences (PERVASIVE, UbiComp, ISWC, WWW, PerDis, INTETAIN, PADS, DS-RT, SIGMETRICS, MASCOTS, MSWiM, MobiWac, TOOLS, Euro-Par, PNPM, ICS, etc.), Gchaired e.g., PERVASIVE 2004, ISWC 2009, IOT 2017, EWSN 2022, and TCPchaired e.g., IEEE DS-RT, PERVASIVE, DOA SVI, MASCOTS, PADS. His work has received several awards (e.g., Heinz Zemanek Award, Innovation Award, Multimedia Staatspreis, Ö-WGP Zukunftspreis).

Research Interests

  • Embedded and Tiny AI: Pervasive, mobile, ubiquitous and wearable computing; autonomic computing and wireless embedded systems; wireless multisensor platforms; context aware and adaptive systems;  information appliances; ambient intelligence.
  • Cooperative Embedded Systems: Coordination models, languages and formal methods; ad-hoc interaction; self-organization and self-management; cooperative sensing, opportunistic sensing; goal-oriented cooperative systems; -ensembles of digital artefacts, networks of things.
  • Development of Embedded Systems Software: Distributed software and algorithms (specification, correctness, termination, complexity analysis), programming paradigms (OO distributed software models), component technologies/frameworks, embedded and real-time software, service oriented architectures, multiagent (software) systems.
  • Awareness, Attention, Interaction: Context awareness, group/workspace awareness; peripheral displays, ambient information systems; embedded interaction, tangible interfaces; implicit interaction, activity and mobility recognition; auditory, vibrotactile and olfactory interfaces.
  • Parallel and Distributed (Interactive) Simulation: Parallel/distributed discrete event simulation (generating models, experimental design, verification, validation, and confidence analysis), distributed interactive simulation, web-based simulation, agent-based simulation, OO simulation, real-time simulation, simulation-aided multiuser environments.

Curriculum Vitae

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Full Professor in Computer Science and Head of the Institute of Pervasive Computing, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Scientific Head of the Pro2Future GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window (COMET K1, 4th Call)

CEO and Scientific Head of the Pro2Future GmbH, opens an external URL in a new window (COMET K1, 4th Call)

Founder and Scientific Head of the RSA FG Studios PCA (Pervasive Computing Applications, opens an external URL in a new window)

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Head of the excellence initiative „Pervasive Computing”, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Founder and Head of the Research Institute for Pervasive Computing (RIPE)

Habilitation, University of Vienna, Venia Docendi in Computer Science

PhD Graduation, University of Vienna, Thesis: "Modelling and Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems with PRM-Nets" (awarded with the Heinz Zemanek-Preis 1992 for outstanding contributions in Computer Sciences)

Research Assistant and Assistant Professor, University of Vienna, Institut für Informatik und Informationssysteme (Advanced Computer Engineering)

Guest Professorships and Research Visits

ERASMUS Guest Professor, Technical University of Budapest (Hungary)

Visiting Professor, Università di Genova (Italy)

Visiting Researcher, University of Oregon, University of Oregon, Eugene (USA)

Visiting Researcher, University of Maryland at College Park (USA)

Visiting Researcher, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)

Visiting Researcher, Università degli Studi di Torino (Italy)

Research and Teaching

Further information

October 24, 2024 Invited Keynote, AI for Industry: Federated, Sustainable and Human-centered, 12th Research Networking Day, AVL ITS Research & Technology Management, Leibnitz, Austria.
October 16, 2024 Invited Talk, Effortless Identity Management for a Circular Textile Economy, Millenium Innovation Days, opens an external URL in a new window, Lustenau, Austria.
September 05, 2024 Federated Neuromorphic Thinking, 9. Pro²Future Partnerkonferenz, Linz, Austria.
May 06, 2024 Pro²Future II, Pro²Future 2nd Scientific Symposium on Conitive and Sustainable Products and Production Systems, opens an external URL in a new window, Linz, Austria.
April 05, 2024 AI zerbricht, JKU Open House, opens in new window, Linz, Austria.
April 03, 2024 Panel Discussion, 9. JKU medTALK, opens in new window, Linz, Austria.
April 02, 2024 Invited Talk, Streaming AI, Industrie im Dialog: Game Changer KI - Die Zukunft des IT-Standortes OÖ, Linz, Austria.
March 14, 2024 Invited Talk, On-Device AI for Industry, Linz connects IT & Economy, opens an external URL in a new window, Linz, Austria.
November 07, 2023 Cognitive Systems, LIT AI Lab Event, Linz, Austria.
September 13, 2023 Pro²Future Epoche II, 8. Pro²Future Partner Conference, Graz, Austria.
November 10, 2022 Invited Keynote, Können Menschen denken? A1 OneTEC Future Shots, Vienna, Austria.
November 2, 2022 Invited Keynote, Industrial Innovation Post Digitalisation, ISM 2022, Hagenberg, Austria.
October 5, 2022 Conference Closing Address, EWSN 2022, Linz, Austria.
October 4, 2022 Opening Speech, EWSN 2022, Linz, Austria.
June 22, 2022 Invited Keynote, Innovation entsteht, wenn Menschen es wollen, RSA FG: Rethinking Innovation: Applied Research That Matters, Salzburg, Austria.
June 13, 2022 Invited Talk, Tiny Embedded Intelligence - Heavily Resource Restricted AI, NEXTGEN TRAINING TECHNOLOGIES - Industrial Conference, Vienna, Austria.
May 13, 2022 Invited Talk, Nachhaltige Produktion, Intertool 2022, Wels, Austria.
April 29, 2022 Invited Lecture, Smart Garments :: Intelligence Woven into the Fabric of Everyday Life, Course "WHAT IF … Shaping our future" (715.001, JKU Linz, 2022S), Linz, Austria.
March 8, 2022 Invited Talk, Produkte mit kognitiven Fähigkeiten  - Miniaturisierte, eingebettete KI, OÖ Zukunftsforum 2022, Linz, Austria.
October 12, 2021 Cognitive Products, Besuch Wissenschaftsdelegation Aachen, Linz, Austria.
October 05, 2021 Invited Keynote, The Cognification of Things, Doctoral Colloquium of the LMU Medieninformatik, Venice, Italy.
September 30, 2021

Invited Keynote, Cognitive Wearables: Embedded AI Systems Assisting Workers, Millenium Innovation Days #2021, Lustenau, Austria.

August 25, 2021 Invited Talk, Kognitive Industriesysteme, Werkstoffworkshop European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, Austria.
June 22, 2021 Invited Keynote, Kognitive Industriesysteme, UAR Innovation Network 360°, Online, Austria.

March 17, 2021

Presentation of the ÖWGP Positionspapier 2021, Beirat der FTI-Initiative „Produktion der Zukunft“, Online, Austria.

November 10, 2020

Invited Talk, Cognitive Products, opens a file, KC Treffpunkt Digitalisierung #4, Online, Austria.

November 05, 2020

Invited Talk, Technology Matters!, IV OÖ: Industrie im Dialog: Corona als Technologieturbo, Online, Austria.

January 23, 2020

Invited Keynote, Aware Systems: Reversing Interaction Principles, opens a file, International Workshop Conference on Digital Intelligence and Aware Systems: Interactive Music Technologies, St. Gilgen, Austria.

November 20, 2019

Cognitive Load in Laparoscopic Surgery, 5. Kepler Science Day, Linz, Austria.

October 24, 2019

Invited Talk, T12 / T22   =   a13 /a23, Jubiläumssymposium 400 Jahre Keplers Buch, opens a file, Linz, Austria.

June 18, 2019

Invited Keynote, Ich bitte um Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Wahrnehmungsgesteuerte Selbstanpassung zukünftiger IT-basierter Produktionssysteme, Production & IT Konferenz, Linz, Austria.

May 14, 2019

Moderation IT-Kolloquium: Intelligente Roboter in Interaktion mit Menschen, Vienna, Austria.

May 08, 2019

Invited Keynote, Cognitive IT: The Dawn of the Age of Machine Thinking, ComputationWorld 2019, Venice, Italy.

May 07, 2019

Paper Presentation, Cognitive Products: System Architecture and Operational Principles, Cognitive 2019, Venice, Italy.

January 31, 2019

Invited Talk (with F. Bleicher), Smarte Produktion, SMARTE PRODUKTION: Was die Vernetzung von Maschinen, Services und Menschen bringt (DBT), Vienna, Austria.

October 31, 2018

Invited Talk, Shaping the cognitive productions systems of the future, IndTech 2018, Vienna, Austria.

October 15, 2018

Short presentation, Pro²Future, Workshop des UAR Innovation Networks, Linz, Austria.

October 02, 2018

Panel discussion, Intelligent Cognitive Systems, AVL Strategic Research Partnership, Graz, Austria.

September 18, 2018

Keynote, The Future of Products and Production Systems is Cognitive, Pro²Future in Progress, Linz, Austria.

June 20, 2018

Invited Talk, IoT in a Nutshell, Future in a Nutshell, Sattledt, Austria.

May 29, 2018

Short presentation, Pro²Future (5 minutes/ 1 slide), FFG Forum Produktion 2018, Graz, Austria.

May 08, 2018

Interview, Auf den Spuren Keplers in Linz, Wissenschaftsempfang anlässlich des Johannes Kepler Jubiläums, Linz, Austria.

April 26, 2018

Invited Talk, Spotlight 5 - IoT, the thinking things, ECSEL-Austria Conference 2018, Linz, Austria.

March 15, 2018

Invited Talk, Common Research Program CDP-Pro²Future, Opening Event Austrian Center for Digital Production, Vienna, Austria.

February 08, 2018

Invited Talk, Pro2Future: Produkte und Produktionssysteme der Zukunft werden denken! 2. JKU-Transfertag Intelligente Produktion, Linz, Austria.

July 05, 2017

Invited Keynote: Spatial Abstractions for Individuals in Superorganisms, AGIT 2017, Salzburg, Austria.

May 16, 2017

Invited Plenary Statement and Discussion, Fourth Round of Plenary Discussions: Digitalisation and innovation – how new technologies can help to overcome economic barriers, Towards the Vision of a Common Economic Space from Vancouver to Vladivostok: Connectivity, Trade and Economic Cooperation, Linz, Austria.

May 09, 2017

Invited Panelist, Panel Statement and Discussion, AEC Innovationstag, Linz, Austria.

May 09, 2017

Invited Talk, Socio-Inspired ICT, Reinventing Society - CSH Workshop, Vienna, Austria.

May 04, 2017

Invited Keynote, Tatort Digitalisierung: Menschliche Motive und ihre symbiotischen IT-Systeme, Tiroler IT-Day, Innsbruck, Austria.

April 06, 2017

Invited Talk, Industrie 4.0 - Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, Industrie 4.0 – Digitalisierung der Arbeitswelt, Linz, Austria.

February 09, 2017

Invited Talk, Future & Emerging ICT: Innovationen mit dem Ziel, Menschen zu dienen, Taking Innovation from Universities to Markets, St. Gilgen, Austria.

January 25, 2017

Invited Keynote, Business and Technologies Going Green, OSCE Chairmanship Business Conference, Vienna, Austria.

January 18, 2017

Invited Keynote, Cognitive Collective Adaptive Systems, ANDRITZ Global Talent Program, Vienna, Austria.

January 09, 2017

Invited Talk, Future & Emerging ICT – Innovationen mit dem Ziel, Menschen zu dienen, RSA Teamklausur 2017, St. Gilgen, Austria.


BISANTE (Broadband Integrated Satellite Network Traffic Evaluation)


Project Consortium: Inst. f. Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik - Dept. of Distributed Systems (Univ. Vienna), Thomson CSF (France)*, INT (France) University of Surrey (UK), Netway (Austria), SOLINET (Germany)

Role: Co-Proposer, Co-Worker


COOPERATE: Distributed Multiuser Cooperative Work Environments (Reference Project)

Funding: BMWV

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), Univ. Linz (Prof. Volkert J., Prof. M. Mühlhäuser), Univ. Salzburg (Prof. P. Zinterhof), Industrial Partners

Role: Proposer, Coordinator, Project Leader


Virtual Enterprise. Enabling technologies for a generic, multipurpose virtual enterprise server.

Funding: ONB

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna)

Role: Proposer, Project Leader (Univ. Vienna)


Distributed Simulation of Multiagent Systems

Funding: British Council

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), University of Exeter (Prof. Turner S.)

Role: Proposer, Project Leader (Univ. Vienna)


Network Computing (TEMPUS)

Funding: EU Tempus

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), EU Consortium

Role: Co-Proposer, Project Partner


VRöIG: Initiative “Virtuelle Realität” für die Österreichische Informationsgesellschaft

Funding: BMWV

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), JKU Linz, Univ. Salzburg, BMWV

Role: Proposer, Coordinator, Primary Investigator (Univ. Vienna)



MATCH (Modelling and Analysis of Time Constrained and Hierarchical Systems)

Funding: EU - Human Capital and Mobility

Partners: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), Eindhoven University of Technology, Universität Hamburg , Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (C. Girault), Universita degli Studi di Torino (G. Balbo, Chiola G.), Universidad de Zaragoza (M. Silva)

Role: Co-Proposer, Coordinator, Project Partner


Parallel Simulation of Very Large Office Workflow Models

Funding: Jubiläumsfondprojekt Nr. 5069, Österreichische Nationalbank

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna)

Role: Proposer, Coordinator, Project Leader


Parallel Simulation Techniques

Funding: BMWF/British Council Academic Research Collaboration

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), University of Exeter (Prof. Turner S.)

Role: Proposer, Coordinator, Project Leader (Univ. Vienna)


PAPS: Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems

Funding: FWF Research Grant No. S5303-PHY, (Austrian Center for Parallel Computation)

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna)

Role: PI (Univ. Vienna)


Distributed Simulation on High Performance Parallel Computer Architectures

Funding: Scientific-Technical Cooperation Austria–Italy, ()

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), Universita di Genoa (Prof. Chiola G.)

Role: Proposer, Project Leader (Univ. Vienna)


CAPSE: Computer Aided Parallel Software Engineering

Funding: Research Project BMWF GZ. 613.562/1-II/6/93

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), Inst. f. Graphische Datenverarbeitung und Parallele Systeme (Univ. of Linz)

Role: Co-Proposer, PI (Univ. Vienna)


Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems and their Workload

(Central European Initiative (CEI-): Work Package 3:)

Funding: Research Project BMWF GZ. 308.926/1-IV/3/93, ()

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna), University of Pavia (Prof. M. Calzarossa), Polytechnico di Milano (Prof. G. Serazzi), Universität Wien (Prof. H. Zima)

Role: Co-Proposer, Work Package Leader


Parallel Visual Programming: Central European Initiative: WP6

Funding: Research Project BMWF GZ. 308.926/1-IV/3/93

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik und Informationssysteme - Advanced Computer Engineering Dept. (Univ. Vienna)

Role: Co-Proposer, WP Leader


MONIT: Measurement and Monitoring of Parallel Processing Systems

Funding: BMWF

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik, Abt. f. Angewandte Informatik (Univ. Vienna), Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava

Role: Co-Proposer, PI (Univ. Vienna)



Distributed Simulation of Petri Nets

Funding: Research Project BMWF GZ. 613.525/2-26/90

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik, Abt. f. Angewandte Informatik (Univ. Vienna)

Role: Proposer, Project Leader (Univ. Vienna)


Computer Aided Instruction

Funding: Research Project BMWF GZ. 52.979/1-6/86

Project Consortium: Inst. f. Statistik und Informatik, Abt. f. Angewandte Informatik (Univ. Vienna)

Role: Co-Proposer, PI

PETRA 2022 Anzengruber-Tanase B., Haslgrübler-Huemer M., Sopidis G., Ferscha A.: Determining Best Hardware, Software and Data Structures for Worker Guidance during a Complex Assembly Task.
PADS 2020 K. Zia, A. Ferscha: An Agent-Based Model of Crowd Evacuation: Combining Individual, Social and Technological Aspects. (Nomination)


K. Zia, A. Ferscha and D. Trendafilov: Importance of Coordination and Cultural Diversity for an Efficient and Flexible Manufacturing System.

PhyCS 2018

B. Gollan, M. Haslgrübler, A. Ferscha and J. Heftberger: Making Sense: Experiences with Multi-Sensor Fusion in Industrial Assistance Systems.

PETRA 2018

S. Amrouche, B. Gollan, A. Ferscha and J. Heftberger: Activity Segmentation and Identification based on Eye Gaze Features.


B. Gollan and A. Ferscha: SEEV-Effort - Is it Enough to Model Human Attentional Behavior in Public Display Settings.

AutomotiveUI 2013

A. Riener, A. Ferscha, F. Bachmair, P. Hagmüller, A. Lemmé, D. Muttenthaler, D. Pühringer, H. Rogner, A. Tappe and F. Weger: Standardization of the In-Car Gesture Interaction Space.


M. Kurz, G. Hoelzl and A. Ferscha:

On the Utilization of Heterogeneous Sensors and System Adaptability for Opportunistic Activity and Context Recognition.

ICAS 2013

G. Hoelzl, M. Kurz and A. Ferscha: Goal Processing and Semantic Matchmaking in Opportunistic Activity and Context Recognition Systems.


M. Kurz, G. Hoelzl and A. Ferscha: Dynamic Adaptation of Opportunistic Sensor Configurations for Continuous and Accurate Activity Recognition.

Pervasive Computing 2002

A. Ferscha, S. Vogl: Pervasive Web Access via Public Communication Walls.


A. Ferscha: Workspace Awareness in Mobile Virtual Teams.


A. Ferscha, C. Scheiner: Collective Choice in Virtual Teams. (Nomination), Stanford, CA, USA.

HICSS 1999

A. Ferscha: Optimistic Distributed Execution of Business Process Models. (Nomination), Maui, Hawaii, USA.

since 2023 Member, Project Advisory Board Fraunhofer Leitprojekt EMOTION


President of the ÖWGP (2020-2022), 2nd Vice-President (2022-2024)

Since 2015

Member of the ÖWGP

Since 2014

Advisory Board Member Industrie 4.0, BMVIT


Advisory Board Member Produktion der Zukunft, BMVIT


Advisory Board Member IKT der Zukunft, BMVIT

Since 2005

EC DG Connect


Advisory Board Member Awareness


DFG Deutsche Exzellenzinitiative Evaluation Panel


CHIST-ERA Evaluation Panel


Multimedia Staatspreis Jury Wien


Advisory Board member SmartProducts, TU Darmstadt


Since 2009

Advisory Board member UrbanIxD

DFG Reviewer

Since 2007

Member of the WTNB (Wehrtechnisch-Naturwissenschaftlicher Beirat, Wissenschaftskommission, BMLVS)

Since 2007

Member and Austrian Representative in IFIP TC 10

Since 2009

SFI Science Foundation Ireland Panel Member

2004, 2007/08, 2010

Jury member IKT Vienna, ZIT Zentrum für Innovation und Technologie GmbH

ACM MobiWac (ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access) 2006, 2007, 2008, Role: PC Member.

MSWiM (ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, Role: PC Member.

ADAPTIVE (International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and Applications) 2014, 2015, 2016, Role: PC Member.

AmI (European Conference on Ambient Intelligence) 2007, Role: Workshop-CoChair.

Annual Simulation Symposium (IEEE, ACM, SCS) 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Role: PC Member.

ANT (International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies) 2016, Role: PC Member.

ARCS (International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, Role: PC Member.

Automotive UI (International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Role: PC Member.

DAPI (International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions) 2017, 2018, Role: Program Board

DS-RT (IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, Roles: PC Member, PC Chair (2008).

Euro-Par (European Conference on Parallel Computing) 2003, 2006, Roles: Local Chair, Topic Chair

EWSN (International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks) 2022, Role General Co-Chair.

FET´11 (European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition) 2011, Role: PC Member.

HC2 Summer School 2012, 2013, Role: PC Member.

HC2 Visons Workshop (Human-Computer Confluence Research Challenges) 2012, 2013, Role: Co-Organizer.

ICSNC’06 Conference on Systems and Networks Communications 2006, Role: PC Member.

IEA/AIE (International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems) 2013, 2015, Role: PC Member.

IEEE Int. WS on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, Roles: PC Member, PC Chair (2008).

IoT 2017 (ACM International Conference on the Internet of Things) 2017, Roles: Conference Co-Chair.

ISWC (International Symposium on Wearable Computers) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, Roles: PC Member, Conference Co-Chair (2008).

IUI (Intelligent User Interfaces) 2006, 2007, 2009, Role: PC Member.

IWSOS (International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems) 2013, Role: PC Member.

MASCOTS (IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Roles: PC Member, PC Chair (1999).

Next Generation JKU (Lecture Series of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences in cooperation with Ars Electronica Center Linz)  2017, Roles: Initiator and Organizer.

PADS (Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, Roles: PC Member, PC Chair (1999).

PerComp, Int. WS on Intelligent Environments, ICMB (International Conference on Mobile Business) 2005, 2006, Role: PC Member.

PerDis’16 2016, Role: PC Member.

PERVASIVE (International Conference on Pervasive Computing) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, Roles: PC Member, Program Chair (2004).

Raising Attention Round Table (National Mobilization Events) 2014, Role: Co-Organizer of two events.

SASO (IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems) 2014, 2015, Role: PC Member.

UbiComp (ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing) 2003, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, Roles: PC Member, Workshop Organizer (2014, 2015, 2016).

WETICE (International IEEE Workshops on Enabling Technologies) 2000, 2007, Role: Workshop CoChair.

021. Bleicher, F., Ferscha, A., Haas, F., Holzer, C., Ramsauer, C., Schledjewski, R., Schlund, S., Sommitsch, C., Stockinger, M., Otto, A., Vössner, S., Zeman, K.: ÖWGP Positionspapier 2021: New Deal in Production, ÖWGP, 2021.

020. Mayer, A., Schneegass, S., Anzengruber-Tánase, B., Ferscha, A., Anderst-Kotsis, G., Paradiso, J.: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of Things, IOT 2017, Linz, Austria, October 22-25, 2017, ACM, 2017.

019. Ferscha, A.: Next Generation JKU, JKU Linz, 2017.

018. Gaggioli A., Ferscha A., Riva G., Dunne S., Viaud-Delmon I.: Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies, DE GRUYTER OPEN, 2016.

017. Ferscha A. (Ed.): JKU Production Research, Whitebook, 2016.

016. Ferscha A., Paradiso J., Whitaker R. (Guest Eds.): Attention Management, Special Issue, in: IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2014.

015. Community, Th. Sc.: Human Computer Confluence: The Next Generation Humans and Computers Research Agenda, 2013. 

014. Community, Th. Sc.: Pervasive Adaptation: The Next Generation Pervasive Computing Research Agenda, 2011. 

013. Editorial Advisory Board Member for: Phan Cong-Vinh: Formal and Practical Aspects of Autonomic Computing and Networking: Specification, Development, and Verification, NTT University, Vietnam, IGI Global, 2011.

012. Ferscha A., Kotsis G., Roggen D., Dunne L., Mayrhofer R., Krüger A., Hörtner H., Seymour S., Sommerer C., Riener A. (Eds.): Advances in Wearable Computing, 2009.

011. Buchberger B., Affenzeller M., Ferscha A., Haller M., Jebelean T., Klement E., Paule P., Pomberger G., Schreiner W., Stubenrauch R., Wagner R., Weiss G., Windsteiger W. (Eds.): Hagenberg Research, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 488 page(s), 2009.

010. M. Mühlhäuser, Ferscha A., & E. Aitenbichler (Eds.) Constructing Ambient Intelligence. AmI 2007 Workshops Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007, Revised Papers Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 11 2008, XI, 470 p. ISBN: 978-3-540-85378-7, 2008.

009. Ferscha A. (Ed.) Mobile Learning. Special Issue of E-Learning, Studien Verlag, Innsbruck-Wien-Bozen, (e-learning-zeitschrift.at). Vol. 2, No. 4, 2007.

008. Ferscha A., S. Olariu, & T. Pfeifer (Eds.) Special issue on wireless sensor networks and applications. Computer Communications 28(13): 1481-1483, 2005.

007. Ferscha A., & F. Mattern, (Eds.) Pervasive Computing. Second International Conference, PERVASIVE 2004, Vienna Austria, April 21-23, 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, LNCS 3001, Berlin, 2004.

006. Ferscha A., H. Hoertner, & G. Kotsis (Eds.) Advances in Pervasive Computing, Vol. 175 of OCG Schriftenreihe. Austrian Computer Society, 2004. ISBN 3-85403-175-0.

005. G. Kotsis, Ferscha A., W. Schreiner, & I.K. Ibrahim, (Eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mobile Multimedia (MoMM 2003), Vol. 171 of OCG Schriftenreihe. Austrian Computer Society, 2003. ISBN 3-85403-171-8.

004. K. L. Bellman, C. Landauer, R. Tolksdorf, & Ferscha A.: Report On Major Themes and Issues Arising from the Workshop. Web Infrastructures and Coordination Architectures for Collaborative Applications, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Enabling Technologies and Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises, WET-ICE 2002, pp. 225-229, IEEE, 2002.

003. Ferscha A., & M. Malony: Performance Data Mining: Automated Diagnosis, Adaptation and Optimization. Journal of Future Generation Computing Systems, North Holland, Vol. 18, Issue 1, 2001., pp. 127-130, 2001.

002. G. Kotsis, & W. Deiters, Ferscha A.: Introduction to the Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Information Logistics. in: Proceedings of the GI/OCG-Jahrestagung 2001, K. Bauknecht, W. Brauer, T. Mück (Eds.), OCG, September 2001, Vienna, Austria.

001. Ferscha A.: Modellierung und Leistungsanalyse paralleler Systeme mit dem PRM-Netz Modell. (PhD Dissertation) OCG Schriftenreihe, Band 65, R. Oldenbourg, Wien, 1995.