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Institute of Pharmacology
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Welcome to the Institute of Pharmacology!

The Institute of Pharmacology's mission is to explore new pharmacological approaches to combat pro-inflammatory diseases, allergies, asthma and leukemia. We study the transport of ions across cell membranes and between organelles using an innovative approach that combines cell and molecular biological methods with electrophysiological and ultrastructural techniques. When it comes to immune responses, we aim to better understand the importance and regulation of cation channels.


Institute of Pharmacology


Johannes Kepler University Linz
MED Campus I
ADM Building
Krankenhausstraße 5
4020 Linz


ADM Gebäude
5th floor, Room 505

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 9.00 AM - 4.00 PM
Fri: 9.00 AM - 1.00 PM


+43 732 2468 8929

News 01.07.2024

Thesis Defense

We offer our congratulation to Julia Eder on the successful defense of her Masters thesis"Investigations into TRPM7 blockade in human T cells". Julia studied pharmacy at the PMU Salzburg. As part of the master's program, she completed her research module at our institute, supervised by Birgit Karner-Höger.

News 16.05.2024

Pharmacology at KSD 2024

The Institute of Pharmacology was prominently represented at this year's Kepler Science Day 2024 with three outstanding scientific contributions. The variety of the presented research reflects the broad spectrum of the institute's work.

Korollus Meleke; Anna Madlmayr; Philip Steiner
News 13.05.2024

PharmTox Summit in Munich

Researchers from our institute participated in the 2024 PharmTox Summit hosted by the “German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology” in Munich/Großhadern. We presented our latest research and heard great lectures from international speakers.

Anna Madlmayr
News 10.05.2024

2. Prize „Vote your Prof“

We are pleased to announce the silver prize in the “Vote Your Prof” survey has been awarded to Susanna Zierler. Highlighting Susanna’s /our continued commitment to student-friendly teaching. The challenge cup, has rightly so, been given pride of place at our institute.