2 Workshops: "Adverse Allies: Logical Empiricism and Austrian Economics"
Call for Abstracts for Workshop I
Deadline for Submissions: 31.10.2024
Workshop I in Vienna: 12.-14.02.2025
![[Translate to Englisch:] Zieleinlauf Halbmarathon Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/0/csm_Reiss_marathon_6e1c1e9eef.jpg)
Congratulation on his great performance! The head of our institute, Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss, has performed at the Vienna City Halb-Marathon!
image source: Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss
![[Translate to Englisch:] Logo Konferenz EpiCause](/fileadmin/_processed_/2/e/csm_Epicause_final_6e791e3918.png)
EpiCause 2024
Epidemiology in Causality
Conference 02.-04. Mai 2024
image source: Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method, JKU
![[Translate to Englisch:] Vortragsfoto, Zuhörer Uni in Taiwan](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/3/csm_talktaiwan_c8e5a1cbda.png)
Presentation of our institute head, Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss, PhD, at
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition
Title: Adversarial Collaboration: Snake Oil or Cure-all?
Link zum Vortrag:
![[Translate to Englisch:] Bild von Prof. Julian Reiss](/fileadmin/_processed_/e/e/csm_Leopoldina_db20c6e9c4.jpg)
Congratulations to department head, Univ. Prof. Julian Reiss, PhD, on being elected the new chairman and senator of Leopoldina Section 24, “Philosophy of Science”!
Photo credit: JKU
![[Translate to Englisch:] Gruppenbild Ehrengäste](/fileadmin/_processed_/0/5/csm_0001_1_43ca79aa84.jpg)
The School of Social Sciences and Humanities Opened Its Doors on April 17, 2023
The "School of Social Sciences and Humanities" officially opened at the JKU's "Circus of Knowledge" on April 17, 2023.
Photo credit: JKU
![[Translate to Englisch:] Zeitungsartikel Standard](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/e/csm_IMAGE_4_2421ba417c.jpg)
Newspaper Recommendation: "Der Standard" endorses a book by Mag. Dr. phil. Alexander Linsbichler, MA, our FWF project manager.
14/12/2023: Following favourable reviews in quarterly journal by Austrian Economics and in Academia Österreich, the Austrian daily newspaper, "Der…
![[Translate to Englisch:] Ausschnittsbild vom Theaterstück](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/0/csm_Reiss_6ec3ea9526.jpg)
Event/Stage Play: "Und da oben dazwischen die Sterne"
The head of our institute, Mr. Univ.-Prof. Julian Reiss can be found in the main roles and played a key role in the creation of this play.
Science & Ethics. Kepler and Galileo? There was something. Stars and binoculars, mathematics and experiment.
Text & Directing: Gerhard Willert
![[Translate to Englisch:] Bild vom Handbuch](/fileadmin/_processed_/5/4/csm_handbook_0e00fd7da1.jpg)
Book launch of the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics
Book launch of the Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Economics (ed. by Conrad Heilmann and Julian Reiss) at the conference of the Society for the…