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Master's Theses

Master's Theses (EBA and other programs)

As a prerequisite to begin working on your Master's thesis, you must complete a minimum of one of the following 6 ECTS-credit course block sessions:

  • KS and IK Operations Research
  • SE Computational Logistics: Optimization
  • SE Computational Logistics: Metaheuristics

Master's theses are required to be written in English and an understanding of programming is an advantage.

The first step is to get in touch with your preferred thesis supervisor regarding the topic. There are usually many interesting topics available.

If you would like to work on a company-provided topic, or you have a clear idea of what you would like to write about, please submit a detailed description of the issue and how you plan to create a solution.

While writing your thesis, you will be required to hold two presentations as part of the "Master's Thesis Seminar". The first presentation should be a concept presentation associated with the Master's thesis colloquium. You should hold the second presentation once you are close to completing your thesis in order to present your findings and results. You do not have to hold both presentations during the same semester.

Detailed information about Master's degree theses including the required forms, is available at:


Topics and Additional Important Information

Master's theses are scientific/scholarly papers designed to demonstrate that you master methodological tools and are able to adapt/further develop/apply these tools, and not only understand the subject area, but you can also build on the subject area in a scientific, state-of-the-art manner. This state-of-the-art manner is not found in textbooks, but rather in recent papers published in scientific journals in the respective field. A useful link to search for literature is: http://scholar.google.at, opens an external URL in a new window

A guide regarding a published paper's scientific quality is the journal in which it was published. Information with respect to journal quality in management is available in the VHB Journal Ranking (jourqual3): http://vhbonline.org/vhb4you/jourqual/vhb-jourqual-3/, opens an external URL in a new window

When writing your thesis, cite papers using the American style of author-year citation style (APA). Make sure that you only list resources in your reference list and refer to the text, and that all of the required information is listed in the references (authors and/or editors, title, year, journal/publisher, pages, volume, doi, etc.).

As an alternative to Word, we highly recommend using Latex, opens an external URL in a new window. The TU Vienna offers a tutorial (https://latex.tugraz.at/latex/tutorial, opens an external URL in a new window) on using Latex, and numerous other tutorials are available online.

are available in the following broad fields:

  • Multi-objective optimization
  • Vehicle routing
  • Facility location
  • Production planning

There are more concrete topics (and also company-based topics) available upon request.

Recently Completed Diploma Degree/Master's Degree Theses