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Completed research projects

The fit between “potential employees” and “company/team” is crucial to the success of a working relationship. If the strengths, needs and values of the potential employee match the values and opportunities of a position, this usually results in a good working relationship. The AOM department is therefore working on the development of a “matching tool” for personnel selection that can provide reliable indications for assessing this fit.

Project management: Prof. Bernad Batinic
Participants: Prof. Barbara Stiglbauer, Nina Grossi MSc

“Wearable technologies” facilitate the collection of diverse human behavior, interaction and experience patterns in the form of electronic data. The potential benefits of such data for psychological research are enormous, but little research has been conducted into their reliability and validity.
The WIP project is investigating psychometric quality criteria and the added value of wearable data in psychological research.

Funding: Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) and the Science and Research Department of the Province of Upper Austria

Budget: € 171,544

Duration: April 2017 to April 2019

Project management: Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic

Participants: Nina Grossi MSc, Mag.a Fabiola Gattringer, Markus Hofmann, Alexander Siedler

A large sample of German employees, non-employed and unemployed people are regularly surveyed on aspects of their work, the perceived importance of work, their mental health and numerous work-related attitudes. This makes it possible for the first time to map the progression of time and changes in employment biographies in terms of their effect on individual experience. 

Funding: Own funds, sponsorship of a respondent panel by www.Respondi.de, GfK AG, Nuremberg

Duration: Since 2008


JKU Linz: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernad BatinicDr.in Barbara Stiglbauer, Dr.in Eva Selenko

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg: Dr. Karsten Paul, opens a file in a new window


  • Batinic, B., Selenko, E., Stiglbauer, B. & Paul, K. I. (2010). Are workers in high-status jobs healthier than others? Assessing Jahoda’s latent benefits of employment in two working populations. Work & Stress, 24, 73-84.
  • Paul, K. I. & Batinic, B. (2010). The need for work: Jahoda’s latent functions of employment in a representative sample of the German population. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31, 45-64.
  • Selenko, E. & Batinic, B. (2012). Job insecurity and the benefits of work. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 725-736.
  • Selenko, E., Batinic, B. & Paul, K. I. (2011). Does latent deprivation lead to psychological distress? Investigating Jahoda’s model in a four-wave study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 84, 723-740.
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Batinic B. (2012). The Role of Jahoda’s Latent and Financial Benefits for Work Involvement: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 81, 259-268.
  • Stiglbauer, B., Selenko, E., Batinic, B. & Jodlbauer, S. (2012). On the link between job insecurity, well-being, and turnover intentions and the moderating effect of work involvement. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 17, 354-364.

The InterPlayces project aims to create intergenerational play and interaction concepts in the form of a co-located playground for older and younger people in order to promote the well-being and social bonding of the players. InterPlayces will encourage older users in particular to interact with their immediate social environment outside their own homes. Furthermore, the use of intuitive forms of game interaction is intended to increase acceptance of technology and break down barriers to use. A positive effect on social inclusion is achieved by using playful approaches to stimulate dialog and the exchange of experience and knowledge between young and old.

Funding: Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Budget: €242,000 (of which JKU: €23,946)

Duration: January 2016 to June 2018


Project management and collaboration:

FH-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hagler, FH-Prof. Dr. Michael Lankes and FH-Prof. Dr. Clemens Holzmann (FH OÖ Forschungs & Entwicklungs GmbH)

Project collaboration:

JKU Linz: Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic, Dr. Barbara Stiglbauer, Mag.a Fabiola Gattringer
NETURAL GmbH: Dr. Stephan Lechner, DI(FH) Markus Pargfrieder, Ernst Demmel and Mag.a Kathrin Hausberger
Welios Betriebs-GmbH, Science Center Wels: Michael Holl and Leo Ludick

A number of institutes and departments (including Statistics, Sociology, AOM, Sales Management) at the Johannes Kepler University offer courses in the field of “Quantitative Methods”. Despite the explicit focus on the relevant subject, these courses have large areas of overlap in terms of content. Possible synergies between the participants have so far only been used in isolated cases.

As part of the “Methodenbaukasten” project, the first step was to identify such overlaps. Based on this, hypervideos of individual lectures or lecture units were then created and accompanying online course materials were developed. These eLectures were made available to all participants for free use on a dedicated online platform.

Funding: The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, the JKU Linz as part of the LIPSTIC project call and technically supported by the ZID / eLearning (Kurt Rosivatz).

Funding amount: 8,100 € and staff position for 1.5 years

Duration: October 2006 - 2008

Applicant: Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic

Participants: Timo Gnambs, Kurt Rosivatz (KUSSS), Dr. Markus Appel, Prof. Dr. Johann Bacher (AES), Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Christine Duller (IFAS), Ass.Prof. Dr. Joachim Nemella (AES), Prof. Dr. Thomas Werani (b2b)

Online platform: https://web.archive.org/web/20240508103547/https://www.aom.jku.at/mbk/, opens an external URL in a new window

A high level of education plays a decisive role in the economic development of nation states. According to the OECD, the difference in educational qualifications between young people with and without a migrant background (especially Turkey and the former Yugoslavia) is greater in Austria than in almost any other country. The research project deals with psychological processes that are to be researched and used to reduce educational differences. The project is based on studies that indicate that minorities are exposed to particular psychological stresses that limit cognitive performance in educational contexts (stereotype and social identity threat). The four planned studies extend previous findings to young people with a migration background and examine the strength of social identity as an influencing factor. The findings should serve to reduce educational disparities in Austria.

Funding: Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank

Funding amount: € 89,660

Duration: Since August 2012

Project management: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Markus Appel

Participants: Silvana Weber MSc, University Professor Dr. Bernad Batinic, in collaboration with Assistant Professor Dr. Nicole Kronberger

Underlying publications

  • Appel, M. (2012). Anti-immigrant propaganda by radical right parties and the intellectual performance of adolescents. Political Psychology, 33, 483-493. [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
  • Appel, M. & Kronberger, N. (2012). Stereotype threat and the achievement gap: Stereotype threat prior to test taking. Educational Psychology Review, 24, 609-635. [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]
  • Appel, M., Kronberger, N., & Aronson, J. (2011). Stereotype Threat impedes ability building: Effects on test preparation among women in science and technology. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 904-913. [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]

Effectiveness of computer-supported cooperative learning (CSCL) using asynchronous communication tools

This project focused on the question of the effectiveness of asynchronous communication tools in cooperative learning. Previous research results point to the positive influence of structuring interaction and communication on cooperative learning. Three asynchronous communication tools (weblog, wiki and discussion forum) were used in a course. It was assumed that the three tools differ in terms of the degree of structuring. Weblogs and discussion forums differ from a wiki in this respect. It was assumed that groups learning with a weblog and discussion forum would achieve better group results than those who had to complete the task with a wiki. The participants in the course were randomly assigned to groups and had to complete an identical task using either a discussion forum, a wiki or a weblog. The result of the group work was determined. An online questionnaire was used to assess the satisfaction with the group work and the coordination of the participants, as well as to check the knowledge acquired.

Computer-supported collaborative learning with wiki, chat and forum. Relationship between collaborative learning strategies and effective group results.

Collaborative learning is characterized by certain activities and strategies. It is assumed that learners with more collaborative learning strategies achieve better group results than those who show these activities less or not at all. The learning groups were provided with a wiki, chat and forum to complete a task. The learning strategies were identified using content analysis. As predicted, the “collaborative learners” achieved significantly better results than the group of “content actors” (those who were less or not at all collaborative). Furthermore, the influence of the usage and learning strategy on individual knowledge and overall performance was investigated.

Duration: 2004-2007

Participants: Dr. Tanja Jadin, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic

Publications and presentations

  • Jadin, T. (2008). Computerunterstütztes kooperatives Lernen. Strukturierungsmaßnahmen und Lernstrategien. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
  • Jadin, T. & Batinic, B. (2006). Weblog und Wiki, Scenarios for Computer Supported Cooperative Learning, In A. Szücs & I.Bo (Eds.), E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation. „E“ is more! E-Learning Enabling Education in Evolving Europe (pp.423-425): European Distance and E-Learning Network.
  • Jadin, T. & Batinic, B. (2006, 23.5.-24.5.). Kooperatives Lernen mit Wiki und Weblogs. Effektive Lernwerkzeuge für die Universitätslehre?. Vortrag auf der Tagung „Social Skills durch Social Software“ in Salzburg.
  • Jadin, T. & Batinic, B. (2006, 14.6.-17.6.). Weblog and Wiki, Scenarios for Computer Supported Cooperative Learning. Vortrag auf der EDEN 2006 Annual Conference E-Competences for Life, Employment and Innovation in Wien.
  • Jadin, T. (2005, 16.11.-17.11.). Weblog im Einsatz bei Online-Gruppenarbeiten. Ein effektives Lernwerkzeug?. Vortrag am Workshop „Weblogs ´05. Grundlagen, Einsatzfelder, Perspektiven“ in Linz.

Reference project
Wenzel, M. (in progress). Wikipedia and Wikibook. Usage motives of readers and authors. Unpublished diploma thesis, University of Linz. (Supervisor: Dr. Tanja Jadin, Univ.-Prof.Dr. Bernad Batinic)

An online panel is an infrastructure for social science survey research that consists of the following elements: (i) a pool of people who have agreed to participate repeatedly in internet-based surveys; (ii) an internet-based web application under whose interface all phases that are passed through when conducting a study (namely: Design of the survey instrument, recruitment of participants for the study, response control, data cleansing and evaluation) are technically operated and administered; and (iii) various individual studies in which social science issues relevant to the pool of people covered can be researched.

The aim of the project is to design, set up, test and evaluate an Austrian online student panel that can be used to conduct student-related social science studies. The project is being pursued in a research partnership between pupils, teachers and scientists, as this makes it easier to guarantee an appropriate and attractive design for the target group “pupils” and to achieve current educational goals (competence in understanding, designing and interpreting social science studies, which are increasingly being used in public and economic debate).

Duration: 2008 - 2010

Funded by: BMWF Sparkling Science

Funding amount: 180.000 €


  • Project management: Prof. Dr. Herbert Altrichter and Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic
  • Project collaboration & supervision: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johann Bacher and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Angelika Paseka (University of Hamburg)
  • Project collaboration: Manuela Gamsjäger, Dr. Timo Gnambs, Dr. Barbara Stiglbauer
  • Participating schools: HAK Linz-Auhof, HAK Steyr, Adalbert Stifter Praxishauptschule Linz, Informatik Mittelschule Steyregg

On the Internet:


  • Altrichter, H., Batinic, B., Bacher, J., Paseka, A., Gamsjäger, M., Stiglbauer, B. & Gnambs, T. (2009). Opinion Corner – your opinion counts. Zwischenbericht. Unveröffentlichter Teilbericht für Sparkling Science, Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Österreich.
  • Altrichter, H., Batinic, B., Bacher, J., Paseka, A., Gamsjäger, M. Stiglbauer, B. & Gnambs, T. (2010): Opinion Corner – your opinion counts. Endbericht. Unveröffentlichter Projektbericht für BMWF (Sparkling Science), Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz, Österreich.
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Gnambs, T. (2011). Online-Forschung – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. In H. Moser (Hrsg.), Professionswissen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Band 10:  Forschung in der Lehrerbildung. (S. 207-220). Zürich, Schweiz: Verlag Pestalozzianum.
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gnambs, T., Gamsjäger, M. & Batinic, B. (in press). The upward spiral of adolescents‘ positive school experiences and happiness: Investigating reciprocal effects over time. Journal of School Psychology. (2013) [link, opens an external URL in a new window]
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gnambs, T. & Gamsjäger, M.  (2011). The interactive effects of motivations and trust in anonymity on adolescents’ enduring participation in web-based social science research: A longitudinal behavioral analysis. International Journal of Internet Science, 6, 29-43.

Conference contributions

  • Altrichter, H., Gamsjäger, M. & Stiglbauer, B. (2010, April). Pupils do research. Development and evaluation of an online panel for pupils. A cooperation project for the promotion of young scientists. Presentation, Conference for Vocational Education Research, Steyr, Austria.
  • Gamsjäger, M. (2009, September). Doing social research with secondary school students. Developing and evaluating a student online panel. Paper, European Converence on Educational Research “Education and Cultural Change”, Vienna, Austria.
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Gamsjäger, M. (2010, April). And what do you want to be one day? - An online survey of Austrian adolescents on the topic of career choice. Presentation, Conference for Vocational Education Research, Steyr, Austria.
  • Stiglbauer, B. & Gamsjäger, M. (2010, August). School-specific and overall well-being: A longitudinal study. Paper, European Conference on Educational Research Education and Cultural Change", Helsinki, Finland.
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gamsjager, M. & Batinic, B. (2010, September). School and well-being - A longitudinal study. Poster, 47th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Bremen, Germany.
  • Stiglbauer, B., Gamsjäger, M., Gnambs, T., Batinic, B., & Altrichter, H. (2010, May). Developing and evaluating a student onlne panel. Poster, General Online Research 10, Pforzheim, Germany.


  • 2nd place in the field of communication and decision-making of the Sustainability Awards 2010
  • Best Paper Award of the General Online Research 2010

Stories are an effective tool for changing attitudes. We are constantly surrounded by them in our everyday lives, whether as films or novels, journalistic work or in the form of advertising or political campaigns.
The research project deals with the psychological processes that underlie this change in attitude. Numerous studies suggest that “transportation”, the immersion in the world of the story, is the decisive mechanism. A series of experiments will investigate how transportation leads to a change in attitude.

Funding: FWF and DFG (lead agency procedure)

Funding amount: € 320,000 (JKU Linz and University of Kassel)

Duration: Since July 2012

Project management: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Markus Appel

JKU Linz: Dipl.-Psych.in Constanze Schreiner, Mag.a Martina Mara
University of Kassel: Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter

Evaluation of the eLearning pilot project “eContent and Life Sciences”

As part of the school project “eContent and Biosciences”, ten school teams from all over Austria entered into an exchange with scientists from fall 2005, with the scientists taking on “sponsorships” for individual school teams. The project is implemented through visits by the scientists to the respective schools, excursions by the school teams to the scientists and ongoing interactions, e.g. via forums on the Moodle learning platform. The bioscientific issues dealt with were processed by the pupils using eLearning sequences on a website.

On behalf of Dialog Gentechnik, the aim of our evaluation was to shed light on the suitability of the concept of “sponsorships” for networking scientists and schools and to identify successful aspects of the project and those that could be improved.

Using 20 qualitative telephone interviews and a quantitative final survey of pupils, teachers and scientists, recommendations for action were derived from the results.

The following areas were examined: Project conception (clarity of objectives, time, technical, school-internal, workload, project management), design of the sponsorships (exchange, activities, cooperation, communication), learning effects of the project participants (acquisition of skills, experiences, expectations) and satisfaction of all participants (positive and negative aspects).

Duration: December 2005 - May 2006

Participants: Dipl.-Psych.in Dr.in Anja Wiesner, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernad Batinic, Michaela Dvorzak

Publications and lectures

  • Wiesner, A. (2006, May 16). Evaluation of the school project “Biosciences and eContent”. Presentation at the final event of the pilot project “eContent and Biosciences” at the Campus Vienna Biocenter, Vienna.
  • Wiesner, A. & Batinic, B. (2006). Evaluation report of the eLearning pilot project “eContent and Biosciences”. Unpublished manuscript, Linz [pdf, opens an external URL in a new window]