Dr. Lisa Hohensinn, MSc MSSc

Additional Information
Lisa Hohensinn (née Schmidthuber) joined the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2020. Before joining the WU Wien, she has been working as a research and teaching assistant at the Institute of Public and Nonprofit Management at Johannes Kepler University Linz. During her doctoral studies, she was a visiting scholar in the Institute of Public Service at Suffolk University Boston. She received her doctoral degree in business administration from Johannes Kepler University Linz in 2018 with a paper-based dissertation on open government and the exploration and exploitation of external knowledge in the public sector. Her doctoral thesis was awarded with the Goerdeler Preis in 2020.
Next to research, she has gained experience in academic teaching and (co-)supervision of PhD, master, and bachelor students. Her lectures deal with the digitalization of public sector institutions and related drivers and consequences. In addition, she gives lectures on the financial management of public sector organizations with the aim of teaching students how transparent financial data such as public debt can inform about and support public decision-making. During an Erasmus+ project, she co-developed an online course and an open access textbook on European Public Sector Accounting together with University of Rostock, University of Coimbra, University of Tampere and University of Leicester (https://www.diepsam.uni-rostock.de/, opens an external URL in a new window).