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Institute of Roman Law
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Wimmer

Picture of a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Wimmer
Head of the Institute

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Steyr

General qualifications to enroll at university at the Humanistic Gymnasium in Horn

Law degree at the Karl-Franzens University Graz

Court practice in Steyr

Apprentice attorney in Steyr

University assistant for Roman law under o.Univ.Prof. DDr. Georg Klingenberg

Doctorate in law

Trainee attorney in Linz (Prof. Dr. Alfred Haslinger & Partner)

Bar exam, grade "very good"

Post-doc for "Roman law" and teaching authorization certificate (venia docendi for "Roman law")

Associate Professor at the JKU Linz

Self-employed practicing attorney (30.06.2005-30.09.2008)


1. Study section
Lecture: Roman obligations (summer semester)

Lecture: Roman property law and principles of personal and inheritance law (winter semester)

Roman law - conversatory and exercise (winter and summer semester - ongoing lecture)

2. Stude section
Major field of study legal history, philosophy and comparison:

1. major field of study: Working group - cases from Roman law

(winter and summer semester - block course)

2. major field of study: Selected areas of Roman law

(winter and summer semester - block course)


Courses in the context of the multimedia diploma program:
1. major field of study: Review of Roman law (winter semester)