Gustav Bihlmayer, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Rashba Physics in magnetic materials
Neil Curson, London Center for Nanotechnology, UCL
Atomically precise dopant placement in silicon and germanium for quantum technologies
Dmitri Efetov, University of Munich
Plethora of Many-Body Ground States in Magic Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Andreas Fuhrer, IBM Zürich
Towards Quantum computing with hole spin qubits
Rolf Haug, University of Hannover
Single-electron tunneling in AC-driven quantum dots
Wister Wei Huang, ETH Zürich
Quantum computing with bilayer graphene quantum dots
Klaus D. Jöns, Center for Optoelectronics and Photonics and Universität Paderborn
Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits
Tomas Jungwirth, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
Emerging research landscape of altermagnetism
Georgios Katsaros, ISTA Austria
Understanding the physics of hybrid semiconductor-superconductor devices
Gerhard Kirchmair, University of Innsbruck
Coherent control of a symmetry-engineered multi-qubit dark state in wave guide quantum electrodynamics
Klaus von Klitzing, Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart
New SI-system triggered by the quantum Hall effect
Gauthier Krizman, University of Linz JKU
Engineering of relativistic states in topological matter
Hidekazu Kurebayashi, London Centre for Nanotechnology, UCL London
Control of magnetism and spin dynamics by carrier doping in van der Waals magnet Cr2Ge2Te6
Claire Le Gall, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge
Achieving long spin coherence in optically active quantum dots
Tina Müller, Toshiba Cambridge Research Laboratory
Coherent interactions of a telecom wavelength quantum dot with resonant laser photons
Paulina Plochocka, LNCMI France
2D perovskites: soft and ionic semiconductor
Syed Ghazi Sarwat, IBM Zurich
A Gentle Introduction to Computational Memory
Tomasz Smolenski, ETH Zürich
Optical sensing of electronic correlations in atomically-thin materials
Wilfred van der Wiel, University of Twente
Material Learning
Xavier Waintal, CEA Grenoble
Quantum computers: What are they? What are they supposed to be good at? Will they work?
Richard Warburton, University of Basel
Low-noise quantum dots in an open microcavity
Walter M. Weber, Technical University of Vienna
Silicon-Germanium nanosheet transistors, contact and electronic transport properties delivering runtime reconfigurable transistors
Eva Weig, Technical University of Munich
High Q nanomechanics: Vibrating nanostrings as dynamical model systems
Nathan P. Wilson, Technical University of Munich
Excitons and magnetic control of interlayer coupling in a 2D magnetic semiconductor
Anton Zasedatelev, University of Vienna
Non-trivial photon correlations in nonequilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates of cavity polaritons
Anne Marije Zwerver, TU Delft
Spin qubits in silicon quantum dots, More – Distant - Industrial